Example sentences of "the board of [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 He was in active practice for twenty-five years , and was elected chairman of the Board of Guardians in 1837 , serving for forty-eight years .
2 His literary pretensions were further highlighted when he sent a copy of his unpublished manuscript ‘ The Island of Madagascar as a National State for the Jewish people and Why ’ to Lord Rothschild , who forwarded it to the Board of Deputies in 1938 .
3 Mandeville Roe , an ex-member of the British Fascists and the BUF , also submitted reports on the NL to the Board of Deputies in 1939 .
4 He was a vice-president of the Chemical Society ( 1906–9 ) and was a member of the board of studies in chemistry at the University of London , and the governing body of the Imperial College of Science and Technology , London .
5 The programme , run by the Board of Studies in Asian and Modern European Languages , aims to study literature in a manner free from rigid adherence to national and linguistic boundaries .
6 Quite apart from the fact that managers do not dominate the board of directors in many firms , there is every reason to believe that corporate managers are under intense pressure ( from the markets , and from the need to deliver profits ) to behave capitalistically .
7 The interim committee , which was established by a resolution of the board of governors in 1974 , has been given more of the responsibilities of the full board since its smaller number of members allows it to work more effectively .
8 From Jan. 1 , 1991 , the EIB 's subscribed capital was doubled to ECU57,600 million , as agreed by the Board of Governors in June 1990 .
9 The concept of continuing professional development has been fostered by the Board of Fellows in its recent work and members should now keep records of all their reading , lectures , seminars and conferences attended in order to support applications they may wish to make in due course for upgrading to fellowship .
10 On 27 January 1841 he married in Inverness Christian , daughter of James Dunsmure , formerly secretary to the Board of Fisheries in Edinburgh .
11 A decision that a student should discontinue his studies may be taken by the Senate in accordance with section 12 hereof , or by the board of examiners in accordance with the Regulations Governing Examinations in the Courses of Study .
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