Example sentences of "the beginning [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you follow the principles laid down at the beginning of this feature then you should have no problem .
2 Would you like that one again , In the afternoon when the sun half close his eyes , ants can be found not working , dogs in their cool places , vandal wall slice through heat , hold and let go of light in rays , in the afternoon when smoke curls like the back of a cat , people lean and braid hair , someone dressed like Christ looked in and said it was good now we have the dug out how food is presented erm can say so much , at least it does to me and , so that , so that the beginning of this poem became from er the food , piece of food held in the hand of the mayor in this picture .
3 Start with the beginning of this decade if you like , when the one and only Muhammad Ali personally escorted me round every nook and cranny of his Deer Lake log-cabin home .
4 Start with the beginning of this decade if you like , when the one and only Muhammad Ali personally escorted me round every nook and cranny of his Deer Lake log-cabin home .
5 WE encounter a difficulty at the beginning of this part of the book by directing our attention to the solution of ‘ legal ’ problems .
6 And if we look at the implications er West Yorkshire which were touched on in the beginning of this part of the debate .
7 It is timely to consider that , because since the beginning of this Session it has become compulsory for us to comply with European EIS legislation .
8 ‘ I only joined the ship at the beginning of this trip . ’
9 When , at the beginning of this illness , he and my mother came to stay , I organised what I can now see was an utterly inappropriate marathon of activities .
10 For joint degrees in Arts involving these languages , see the diagram at the beginning of this faculty section .
11 The original intention was to provide a critical accompaniment to government promises of action on the inner cities made at the beginning of this Parliament .
12 So bear that in mind , even the beginning of this story look at that first paragraph it 's in a darker type it 'll make me filthy , a darker and a larger size .
13 Today , 30 years after his death , Lewis is remembered more as the author of such enchanting children 's stories as The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe than as a writer and broadcaster on ethical and religious questions , but it is one of those BBC sermons which he delivers at the beginning of this play .
14 As we pointed out at the beginning of this campaign , the Labour Party proposes nothing less than to pull up Britain by the roots .
15 Basil Rocke played a highly significant role in the beginning of this transformation of the ethos of the classroom .
16 Remember at the beginning of this course what was our objectives ?
17 Another boost to the market has been the removal of turnover tax at the beginning of this year , which tripled volumes .
18 Since the beginning of this year Mr Chatichai Choonhavan 's coalition government has been agonising over whether General Chaovalit Yongchaiyudh will resign as commander-in-chief of Thailand 's armed forces .
19 A year ago , a depositor protection scheme was introduced to parallel Britain 's arrangements , and , at the beginning of this year , a plan to license fund managers came into effect .
20 In the last 18 months alone Megatech has shipped in excess of 4500 copies of TAS , and since the beginning of this year sales have been averaging 400 units a month .
21 A survey conducted at the beginning of this year suggested that 96% of securities fraud cases are settled before coming to trial .
22 Not as much as I would like to be , however , as the night class I joined in September 1991 did not have enough support to run again at the beginning of this year .
23 At the beginning of this year the Louvre became an établissement public administratif , which means that henceforth the director of the museum will also be solely responsible for the whole establishment , which will also have greater financial autonomy .
24 Another chapter was added recently when work on the long awaited new St Patrick 's Junior School was suddenly halted when the main contractor went into receivership at the beginning of this year .
25 Since the beginning of this year , all kinds of packaging used in Germany , from industrial crates to yoghurt cartons , must be retrieved and recycled .
26 Daiwa suspected that something was amiss only at the beginning of this year , when it uncovered evidence that attempts had been made to forge security depositary receipts .
27 That includes the Open Software Foundation , which , having given up its board seat at the beginning of this year , currently has no formal relationship with X/Open , even though the standards body has endorsed its Distributed Computing Environment technology .
28 So it handed over its Intel Corp i860 RISC-based VX and MVX visualisation accelerators over to Fremont , California-based Vicom Systems Inc ( UX No 357 ) , which began to market the things exclusively on Sun workstations from the beginning of this year .
29 The Spanish government introduced government indemnity at the beginning of this year ( see The Art Newspaper No.15 , February 1992 , p.4 ) and agreed to undertake responsibility above Pta1 million ( £5,500 ; $11,000 ) of an indemnity claim .
30 Created during the five months which the artist spent in Santa Fe at the end of last year and the beginning of this year , they are executed in oil inks applied by brush or rollers and smudged by Healey 's hand , their veils of rich colour capturing the mood of , rather than representing , the broad landscape of New Mexico and its dawn and dusk effects .
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