Example sentences of "the fact that it appear " in BNC.

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1 When in market exchange under capitalism something is treated as a commodity , whether it is labour or goods , the fact that it appears simply as ‘ a thing with a price ’ obscures the exploitative social relationships within which it has been produced .
2 The second sentence is perfectly unexceptionable apart from the fact that it appears to be in flat contradiction of the first : involuntary unemployment is a ‘ theoretical construct ’ — surely theoretical constructs fall within the purview of economic theory ! — which was developed to explain the very real and painful phenomenon of large-scale unemployment .
3 Regrettably this consists only of a short description of the mechanical working of the lift , taken from Thomas 's own description , giving no assessment of the lift 's success in use , despite the fact that it appeared six months after the lift 's entry into service .
4 However , in favour of the 38th parallel was the fact that it appeared a rough and ready division , which might satisfy the Russians and give Seoul to the south .
5 One of the most remarkable observations concerning the mutant strain was the fact that it appeared very little affected by this mutation .
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