Example sentences of "the one thing that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , that single action was the one thing that blew their cover , caused the failure of the entire operation . ’
2 The adventure on which he had embarked , which was to give a sort of permanence to the past , was the one thing that kept him anchored to a chair and table all day , and often into the night .
3 Parenthetically , erm he says somewhere in his autobiography that the one thing that consoled him in the nineteen-hundreds when he was so miserable with his wife and his mathematics , was the devising of , was the devising of prose rhythms .
4 At roughly the same time Adobe Systems introduced the PostScript page description language which did the one thing that had been though impossible or , at least , impractical ; real time font generation .
5 Now the sons , dominated by their love for and estimation of the primal father could maintain the altruism and cooperativeness of their way of life because of their guilt regarding the one thing that had always threatened that cooperation — their lust .
6 The one thing that had bothered me was having to borrow Lewis Luther 's helmet .
7 He took her hand , linking his long , hard fingers between hers , joining them in a physical as well as a mental bond , and suddenly Fran knew that she wanted to tell him the one thing that had fashioned her into the woman she was .
8 Listen to his every word carefully , because it might be the one thing that saves your life .
9 The one thing that does not seem to work in these situations is to use a large pop-up fished over the bed of baits .
10 But the one thing that does impress itself on you is that he 's so very competent .
11 ‘ As for Guns N ’ Roses , I bought ‘ Appetite For Destruction ’ three years ago and the one thing that struck me was just how exciting the guitars were .
12 That was the one thing that got interest .
13 For the one thing that makes rock more than simply an industry , the one thing that transcends the commodity relation , is fidelity , the idea of a relationship .
14 What British people so often fail to understand is that the old inter-island divisions and prejudices that have always dogged Caribbean life are still present , and that a successful cricket team is the one thing that transcends this fragmentation .
15 Indeed , the one thing that spoilt this lively conference was the patronising references to women , district general hospitals , and general practice .
16 The one thing that dominates the appearance of this guitar is the superbly figured maple top .
17 He said ‘ The one thing that keeps me going is knowing that for every step I take and every pound donated we are one step nearer to finding a cure . ’
18 The one thing that remains within your control is to take your business elsewhere ; if the tills stop ringing in the shops responsible , maybe things will change …
19 The one thing that has not changed is that in order to gain success at the very highest level the athlete 's training has to be geared to the specific needs of the event .
20 I mean the one thing that has happened in recent times , and I do n't like prophecies so , I do n't wish to be a part of one , let's be clear about that , I 'm doing this as an analyst .
21 The essential driving force is always difficult to define but the one thing that has struck me about is his intolerance of injustice wherever it presents itself .
22 er , er the one thing that has come clear through er your submission Mr is that you 're not er in any way enamoured of the idea that there should be some scheme whereby your clients erm pay their central fund and demands and er , er , and erm maintain their counterclaim here after
23 Everything except the one thing that needed changing ; that alone remained unspeakably the same .
24 The one thing that drew me to Elsie was her disability .
25 And , of course , in no time at all , we were talking about the one thing that obsessed every one of us , cancer .
26 The one thing that seems to be doing now is to string it out as long as possible .
27 The one thing that seems to be identified by members of the public er when they come here and address present erm petitions to us as they did this morning er they want in most parts , in Hertfordshire .
28 He said : ‘ Too few people realise that the independence of the judges is the one thing that stands between John Citizen and the abuse of power by governments of whatever colour .
29 ‘ So music is the one thing that weakens your British reserve , Shelley ? ’
30 It 's the one thing that puts me off breeding — I love children , but I ca n't stand babies . ’
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