Example sentences of "the health [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Health & Safety Commission ( HSC ) has published a guide to the new workplace ( Health , Safety and Welfare ) Regulations 1992 , which came into force at the beginning of 1993 .
2 He will combine this new job with his other roles as a CBI member of the Health & Safety Commission working group on ionising radiations , a civil consultant on radiation medicine to the Royal Navy and RAF , a non-executive director at Clatterbridge centre for oncology trust and secretary of the ICRP committee on the implementation of the commission 's recommendations. ,
3 In December information was sent to all units by means of the Health & Safety Bulletin supported by two government produced pamphlets .
4 The Health & Safety Executive , however , maintained that the HSC 's comprehensive guidelines were adequate and that the laying down of rigid prescriptive standards was impossible given the diversity of sizes and types of pool .
5 The Health & Safety Executive has published Toxicity review 25 : cyclohexane , cumene , para-dichlorobenzene ( p-DCB ) and chlorodifluoromethane ( CFC 22 ) .
6 Despite extensive research , the causes of sick building syndrome have not yet been clearly established and so are unlikely to be eradicated in the near future , according to a new report from the Health & Safety Executive .
7 The company is being prosecuted by the Health & Safety Executive following the death of Anthony Flaherty on September 26 1992 .
8 With their dissolution the health and welfare functions would have to be distributed between the newer health and social services administrative entities .
9 The number of centenarians , which rose by 650 as of September 1 , compared with the same date last year , was the highest in 23 years , the Health and Welfare Ministry said .
10 The old Minister of Health , 1949–64 , was responsible to Parliament directly for the hospital services , being almost wholly provided by the taxpayer , and indirectly for the health and welfare services provided partly out of the rates and partly out of taxes by local authorities .
11 It will use secondary analysis of an existing database , collected in a longitudinal study of social support and childbearing , to explore what is meant by social support , both in terms of family and social networks and from the point of view of the health and welfare services .
12 By not considering the results of case management practice and research in greater depth and learning more about the value it has for the most needy clients of the health and welfare system , we are in danger of failing to learn the lessons which others have learned , and of having to re-live their mistakes .
13 Whereas 2.8 per cent growth was projected in services for mentally handicapped people , only 1.8 per cent growth was to be devoted to those who were mentally ill , the average across the health and welfare sector .
14 Though there is little experience of overall trade union influence over change , the health and welfare aspects of " new technology " have frequently been covered by written technology agreements , in particular the design and operation of visual display units .
15 We interviewed 21 investment analysts who are known to have a specific interest , and responsibility , in the health and household sector .
16 The conference yesterday approved the Consumers and the Community review report , which proposes : A Department of Consumer Affairs ; Special funding to create local , regional and national consumers ' groups ; Quality and standards controls in local government , and the health and education services ; A Quality Commission to replace the Audit Commission , an Education Standards Council , and a Health Quality Commission ; ‘ Go local ’ health services , increased preventive medicine , and regular health check-ups ; Records of achievement for pupils , a flexible national curriculum , a home/school partnership agreements , and a national schools award .
17 The idea that these targets might simply be achieved by a cosy consortium between the health and education services begins to crack with research reported by Nutbeam et al in this issue ( p 102 ) .
18 Priority was given to the Health and Education ministries and a new budgetary allocation was created for road infrastructure .
19 It is right to distrust initiatives that depend only on the health and education sectors ; in the current political climate this is indeed oversimplistic .
20 Such adult physical disabilities originated often in poor diet and medical care in early childhood , hence the increased pressure to improve the health and survival rates of infants and children .
21 Additionally dancing , yoga , keep-fit-to-music and relaxation classes are readily available through most local authorities as well as being offered by the many specialist bodies listed in both the Health and Leisure Activities chapters .
22 They assess the growth of the health and leisure market as follows :
23 You should now be able to see that aerobic walking is vigorous sustained exercise that provides all the health and fitness benefits of jogging , cycling and rowing .
24 The health and fitness revolution originated in the USA , where 49 per cent of the population now exercise regularly .
25 I hope that though the efforts of the Publicity Committee and Press Officer you have seen that much has been accomplished through articles in glossy magazines such as Harpers & Queen and Vogue , good coverage in local press , new posters and Medau 's BBC-TV Breakfast Time slot , filmed with Diana Moran , the Green Goddess , at the Pineapple Centre in Kensington — And — We are taking part in the Health and Fitness Exhibition already mentioned — So — Make a date to go !
26 But Strasbourg 's anti-nicotine brigade has won a consolation prize : the health and social-affairs commissioner , Mrs Vasso Papandreou , has promised to look at a ban in the future .
27 The project was funded by the Health and Population Division of the UK Overseas Development Administration .
28 President , congress we should applaud the work of the Health and Environment department at National Office and in supporting this service report we must go swiftly forward into wide-ranging discussions at all levels of the G M B. The publications they have produced have been of a consistent high standard and are very user-friendly .
29 Nina had already commented favourably on it , throwing pointed looks at both the Health and Beauty desk and the disordered alcove from which Fashion operated .
30 Wise up to the health and beauty benefits of these vital vitamins and minerals :
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