Example sentences of "the idea that you [be] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the psychological pain caused by infertility of either partner comes from the idea that you are not a real man or a real woman if , for any reason , some small part of your reproductive system works inadequately .
2 Some of you might hide behind the idea that you are ‘ shy ’ .
3 This , I felt , shrinking with embarrassment , was taking the idea that you are what you eat a sight too literally , and ever since I have distanced myself slightly from that early guide to greens .
4 ‘ I wonder where on earth I could have got the idea that you are a dishonest , lying , cheating young woman ?
5 ‘ I ca n't get used to the idea that you 're growing up and can look after yourself .
6 That was probably another of the reasons why they became so obsessed with loyalty , with the idea that you were part of some élite squad .
7 How did you how your m mother er come to terms with the idea that you were n't going to go to the county school ?
8 For an instant she told herself she had imagined the almost feral glint behind the long , dark lashes as Niall said casually , ‘ If I did n't know better , I might almost get the idea that you were jealous . ’
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