Example sentences of "the [num ord] century had been " in BNC.

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1 They offered some credence to the contemporaneous growth in anti-semitism : limited and localized though this was , Jewish migrants were criticized and condemned in very similar terms to those later invoked against post-Second World War black immigrants , and which in the nineteenth century had been raised against the Irish .
2 One of the major achievements of the journeymen in the nineteenth century had been to succeed in having both kinds of work paid at the same rate .
3 But the states for which the nineteenth century had been a success story , Germany and still more Great Britain , showed little or nothing of the desire for officially-backed dissemination of their culture and advertisement of their intellectual achievements which was so noticeable in France .
4 But what in the sixteenth century had been a highly convenient part of a wider whole , a matter of partisanship for immediate political and religious reasons , now took on an objective life of its own .
5 The English had not taken any important part in this ; voyages from Bristol at the end of the fifteenth century had reached a few points in North America and had opened up cod fisheries off Newfoundland , and in the 1550s London merchants had used the northern searoutes to start trading with Russia , but most of the nation 's energies overseas in the first half of the sixteenth century had been devoted to the last and least rewarding of the attempts to conquer France .
6 A previous influx of linen in the sixteenth century had been countered by government sponsorship of the linen industry and the growing of coarse flax and hemp , part of a larger tendency in Britain towards the development of local projects to counter foreign imports ( Thirsk 1978 : 72–4 ) .
7 The eighteenth century had been marked by keen intellectual enquiry and , among the educated class , some decline in devotion to revealed religion ; but at last leave-taking there had been little to disturb the old familiar ways ; the sense of continuity between life and death , between this world and the next , was carefully preserved .
8 There was a most serious consequence : Spanish trade , throughout the nineteenth century , was unable to conquer the import surplus , which in the eighteenth century had been concealed by the export of American silver .
9 Nevertheless the rigidity of the traditional line tactics which dominated most European battlefields in the eighteenth century had been shaken , with important results for the future .
10 If , he argues , the misery of large numbers of the agricultural and manufacturing proletariats at the end of the eighteenth century had been the general condition of the labouring population throughout the century , then industrialisation could not have taken place for it depended on " the home sales of articles of everyday life to a section of the labour force which was neither very poor nor very rich " but which wielded an effective purchasing power in the face of many difficulties .
11 This was an adaptation , evolved by the courts , of the writ of account which from the thirteenth century had been available against bailiffs , factors and receivers .
12 The queen of the northern waters in the ninth century had been the Viking longship , well represented by the famous Gokstad ship discovered in Norway .
13 Some of the main efforts of historians in the first decades of the twentieth century had been directed to putting order into a mass of material , analysing works and documents , and establishing historical data .
14 The dominant attitude towards children in the seventeenth century had been autocratic , indeed ferocious .
15 Painted on the walls of a barracks in the last century had been the words , ‘ Legionnaires , you are soldiers in order to die , and I am sending you where you can die . ’
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