Example sentences of "the [noun prp] states still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He emphasized that Britain 's weakness and vulnerability robbed that country of the options which the United States still possessed in dealings with the USSR ; hence the British interest in peaceful co-existence .
2 In spite of some clergy who are ‘ not appreciative of art or excellence ’ , the Church in the United States still sees the need to train musicians as a pastoral priority .
3 There may be a new flexibility in Washington , but the United States still expects them to perform .
4 When the issue of international monetary reform had been seriously debated in 1972 the United States started from the position that ‘ the system should neither bar nor encourage official holdings of foreign exchange ’ , suggesting that ‘ the United States still thought of the SDR as providing a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar ’ ( Williamson , 1977 , p. 176 ) .
5 The United States still has two of its largest overseas air and naval bases in the Philippines , and the Pentagon decided recently to establish an arms stockpile in Thailand .
6 The Shah had visited Washington in November 1977 , towards the end of Carters election , and the new administration had impressed upon him that although the United States still regarded him as an important ally , the days of unrestricted arms sales , while arrest and torture by SAVAK were ignored by the US , were over , In fact , the Shah had already moderated SAVAK , released some political prisoners and allowed a little more criticism of his government to be expressed , even before Carter 's inauguration .
7 Is the Secretary of State aware that the United States still appears to be at war with Vietnam and that it is blocking all aid and trade in the International Monetary Fund and World bank and through misuse of the COCOM regulations ?
8 Meeks has suggested that in that year the United States still did not possess truly great stations to match the European models .
9 On the face of it , the parties in the United States still perform the job of recruiting personnel for positions in the executive and the legislature , since presidents , senators and representatives are elected , almost without exception , on a Democratic or Republican ticket .
10 Formally the United States still maintained the myth that it would convert official holdings of dollars into gold at the old price of $35 , while informing other central banks that if they attempted to take advantage of this offer at all it would instantly be withdrawn .
11 Concern for the loss of such an important economic resource led to research on population dynamics and resulted in close seasons for hunting , even though all the Canadian provinces and 47 of the United States still allow at least a limited harvest of wild mink .
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