Example sentences of "the [noun prp] point [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When questioned over the possibility of the EC issuing regulations ( which must be followed exactly ) as opposed to directives ( where the result must comply , but the means by which the result is obtained is not stipulated ) 0 , the DoE pointed out that although there was ‘ a greater certainty with regard to regulation ’ it was important to bear in mind that different countries have different administration regimes and that directly applicable regulations could , therefore , cause problems .
2 In its report , the PCD pointed out that ‘ there is no single route to openness ’ and suggested alternatives to full public meetings .
3 The NCC points out that this would not be enough to protect many waters , and nitrogen removal equipment would have to be operated to achieve a lower level .
4 While the PPU pointed out that their proposed World Conference was quite different to Chamberlain 's policy of pragmatic concession to Hitler 's demands , Peace News — the organ of the PPU — nevertheless backed the Munich settlement in 1938 and supported German demands against Poland a year later .
5 LATEST BBC Radio Ulster figures show a weekly reach of 31pc , and the BBC points out that for a distinctive , speech-based service , that 's a remarkable catchment of almost one in three of the adult population .
6 The CNPF points out that industry spending will always appear lower in countries where a lot of government military research is carried out ( compared with Germany and Japan for example ) .
7 The RSC points out that the proposals to create a single environment agency are rather unfortunately timed , because both HMIP and NRA are relatively new .
8 The IBOA pointed out that as important as the discussions on the actual cost reduction proposals were , other areas would have to be the subject of discussion also .
9 But the FA pointed out that Holland and the Irish Republic would be based primarily in Sicily and would play only one game each in Sardinia .
10 The SPD pointed out that one-third of asylum-seekers came from Turkey and that strong pressure should be brought on the Turkish government to prevent this .
11 The CCSCE points out that , since 1961 , public investment has grown less in California than in any other state .
12 Thus waterhole has enhanced scientific understanding of the mechanism itself and of how currents interact to accelerate particles Brian Whalen of the NRC points out that auroral activity is known to affect radio waves and power lines and possibly the weather , too , .
13 The CBI points out that the comparison with March last year is distorted by special factors , notably the announcement in last year 's Budget that value-added tax would increase on April 1 .
14 The CBI points out that UK corporate taxes , at more than 4% of GDP in 1989 , are more than double the amount of state aid to industry .
15 The CBI points out that UK dividends , as a percentage of post-tax profits , have been consistently higher than elsewhere , reaching more than 70% last year , compared with 54% in the US and under 35% in Germany and Japan .
16 The CBI points out that 40% of Japanese and US investment in Europe in the 1980s came to Britain .
17 The CBI pointed out that the rush to beat the VAT increases might have encouraged a shopping spree .
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