Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have lead [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly there have been cases after Alladice , including the one in which these remarks were made , where infraction of the rules has led to the resultant evidence being declared inadmissible .
2 In New York , incursions on the National Endowment for the Arts have lead to some equally startling volte-faces .
3 There is a distinct paucity of entirely new courses to mention , but the ‘ work in hand ’ element of Nelson 's various acquisitions over the years has led to Workout at intermediate and upper intermediate level ( née Collins ) , as well as Nelson 's own Distinction , a new post-FCE course some of the exercises in which follow the format of the CAE exam .
4 The increased speed of the modern game and the athleticism of the participants has led to more crowded play so that linesmen are apt to flag when a forward suddenly breaks clear to receive a pass .
5 Many of the tapes have led to prosecutions , with more than 100 cases reaching the courts .
6 " Increasing population in England and migration of middle-class voters from the towns to the suburbs had led to these disparities and to a situation where any redistribution would help Unionism .
7 Already the tragic discovery of a yellow-suited body among the pinnacles has led to furious and immoderate speculation in the national press .
8 The ultimatum being faced by the sisters has led to a demand for an immediate strike ballot of all 130 lecturers who are members of the Association of University Lecturers .
9 In the ensuing raid by our officers , who had been tipped off about the smuggling run , a pitched battle between our men and the smugglers had led to several amusing incidents , related to us by local officers .
10 Each of these aspects of the geology is of interest to current researchers , but the differences have led to differing specialties within and between departments .
11 Campaigns to save the whales have led to the International Whaling Commission gradually lowering its quotas and many nations giving up whaling in favour of protectionist policies .
12 Hostility to the talks had led to divisions within the military itself , between those who supported moves towards national reconciliation and those who believed that the URNG should be denied a political platform .
13 Attempts by the anti-gamblers to block access to the casinos had led to the outbreak of fighting with the Warriors .
14 However , in April 1990 a government statement revealed that an intensified campaign against the guerrillas had led to 10 rocket attacks being foiled and five members of the Islamic Jihad organization being arrested in the first three months of the year .
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