Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [prep] the left " in BNC.

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1 Because of this pedigree , the opinions of the Left and of liberals have shied away from examination of the issue of morality in relation to crime .
2 The burgeoning of leftist idealism in the 1970s was , however , opposed from within the ranks of the left from the start .
3 Unlike the movement for judicial reform , which owed much to the right of the political spectrum but finished on the left , the government 's attitude towards freedom of the press began by reflecting the views of the left of the political spectrum but finished on the right .
4 There were many fans who drifted in and out of the groups without making any sequential progress at all and the groups to the left of the terrace always provided for an escape from the soccer ‘ rat race ’ .
5 In the Labour movement it never made much impact , for it always remained an alien force , financed and directed from outside , but it achieved something in taking the battle on to the streets in order to break up the meetings of the left .
6 He wants to know how to get up the steps to the left of the infrared detonator .
7 Labour governments have been able virtually to ignore the demands of the left without provoking massive popular protest ( albeit at a cost of running down the party 's membership and activist support ) while the Heath government found that its tough anti-union stance , however much in accord with ‘ public opinion ’ , was unworkable , with the electorate recoiling from its practical consequences .
8 The new social movements of the 1970s and the 1980s emerged outside the formal party structures precisely because of the way in which the parties of the Left , which should have articulated new emancipatory concerns , were caught up in the compromises of the 1940s .
9 If de Gaulle entertained hopes of an alliance , however , he was to be swiftly disappointed : the MRP did not endorse the Bayeux constitution and , instead , moved towards a compromise with the parties of the left .
10 Like the ideologists of the left , the libertarians are concerned to elaborate a political philosophy and then drastically transform the world in accordance with that philosophy .
11 The libertarians , in common with the ideologists of the left , whose tactics they often self-consciously copy , frequently find themselves in conflict with their own party , which they claim is insufficiently ideological ( Durham , 1985 ; Gamble , 1986 ) .
12 In the outcrops on the left at this point is the Foxholes , a cave that has produced evidences of Neolithic occupation .
13 Jackson went to the road that bordered the gardens on the left .
14 That is , to the extent that the responses were the result of critical reflection they clearly show that left policies were lacking in credibility and attractiveness , yet insofar as the responses represented an uncritical carrying over of the ‘ media ’ line this would seem to suggest that the concerns of the left failed to strike the masses as of immediate practical importance ; the left policies can not have appeared to meet the practical needs of the working class , or else the Labour identifiers polled would not have been content to reiterate the media line with regard to those policies .
15 One by one the dogs on the left of the trace anoint it , the ones on the right going frantic in their efforts to reach it .
16 The statements on the left may be contributing to the adverse behaviour but your chances of confirming it are limited .
17 Comparison with the fortunes of the left in Western Europe are encouraging for Labour , but also chastening .
18 On the right there are two schemes including fossil agnathan groups congruent with the classifications to the left .
19 The Institute for Public Policy Research is the brains of the Left .
20 Within a matter of months , such talk — formerly condemned by middle-of-the-road Israelis as defeatist and unpatriotic — has spread from the fringes of the left to the cabinet table .
21 Lately there has been a move towards counting the twenty-four hours in a single progression from 00.00 , representing midnight , to 23.59 , the figures on the left of the punctuating point being the hours and those to the right the minutes .
22 Does my right hon. Friend know that I gave up the opportunity of becoming a solicitor like the hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) because accountants put the losses on the right and the profits on the left ?
23 Once he thought he heard a movement among the trees to the left of him , as of footfalls rustling the grass .
24 A birdie two at the 32nd gave Rafferty the lead and he went two up at the 34th where Lyle , disturbed mid-swing by the clicking of a camera , pulled his tee shot into the trees on the left .
25 From the dark hole of his sleeve he brought forth his cuff , fiddled with the plain gold links , moved the files to the left , the right .
26 The terms on the left of the opposition are identified with one another and are ‘ positive ’ for Greek thinkers .
27 ‘ Take the stairs on the left . ’
28 The idea of literary sensibility would probably be dismissed by the culturalists of the Left as a piece of mystification , and certainly few of them have shown signs of possessing it , on either side of the Atlantic .
29 Well we we we 'd want the controls on the left and we want them to be split .
30 NOW compare the waistline-busters on the left with this leanline alternative to Christmas we offered nurse Oonagh O'Brien .
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