Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] played by " in BNC.

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1 Talks between the ruling AP and the opposition MNR , CONDEPA and MBL , which had been convoked to resolve a political crisis which had arisen in November over the political role played by the Supreme court , many of whose members were linked with the MNR [ see pp. 37851-52 ] , broke down in March 1991 .
2 He did not elaborate on the usual roles played by a king 's sons , who in fact were expected from an early age to join in their father 's business , as envoys and generals , counsellors as long as they remained in their father 's household , and rulers of sub-kingdoms as and when regna were available .
3 But the great difference here is the lesser role played by registration .
4 Despite the generous role played by the testator 's intention in these cases , the texts never speak of voluntas here .
5 Uhde , a young collector and dealer who had been on friendly terms with both painters since the early pre-Cubist days , in a book entitled Picasso et la Tradition Française which appeared in both French and German in 1928 , stressed the cardinal part played by Braque in the formation of Cubism .
6 We shall see that the conflicts between the different roles played by the judge in the political order persist today .
7 The Council of Nicaea was the largest assembly of bishops hitherto , and though the great majority of the members were from the Greek East , the presence of Roman legates and the prominent role played by the sees of Alexandria and Antioch made it possible for the council to be given the title ‘ ecumenical ’ .
8 Also exposed is the prominent role played by Jews in anti-Christian and Communist politics in the USA .
9 The combination of the reproducibility and reliability of long-term potentiation as a physiological phenomenon , the evidence of the central role played by the hippocampus in mammalian memory and the renewed enthusiasm about the prospects for productive research into the cellular processes of memory produced , in the early 1980s , an extraordinary bandwagon in hippocampal studies .
10 The central role played by the railways in transporting meat dictated the location of the meat markets .
11 She also makes the crucial point that it is wrong to attribute it to the mass of black people , finding it most marked among some intellectual and political leaders , who also obscure the central roles played by lesbians and gays in black communities .
12 It is important , in reviewing the early history of the CNAA 's relationships with the colleges , to emphasize the consistent role played by Frank Hornby in pressing for greater academic independence .
13 None of this has taken account of the overall part played by women in the cloth-making households headed by male weavers or knitters .
14 While not wishing to deny that there are differences in the ways executives , bureaucracies and assemblies operate compared with law courts , we suggest that the politics of any system can not be understood without some awareness of the crucial part played by law in its operations .
15 If we wish to examine the problem of recidivism amongst offenders , to look at the prisons alone would ignore the crucial roles played by the courts and the Home Office in the determination of sentences and the prison system we have .
16 Development finance : The Report acknowledged the crucial role played by the international banks in providing loans and export credits to non-oil LDCs .
17 Urgently reappraising the crucial role played by the radical Protestants who defied privilege , hierarchy and imperialism , this is an incisive and timely reminder of a hidden but powerful undercurrent in Irish history .
18 Varah intervened and , in finding her alternative accommodation , averted a family tragedy — proof of the crucial role played by his brainchild .
19 The Trust adds : ‘ The immense work done by the three principal participants , Simon Pepper ( WWF ) , John Hunt ( RSPB ) and Nigel Hawkins ( JMMT ) and the crucial role played by Chris Brasher has to be acknowledged and we can only regret that their efforts were not rewarded with a more positive outcome . ’
20 Even if the structural , social roots of liberal weakness are conceded , the traditional liberal interpretation can take refuge in its emphasis on the crucial role played by the key political figure , the Tsar .
21 But they also recognize the crucial role played by ideas of different kinds : for Bottoms the collapse of the rehabilitative ideal looms large , for Fitzgerald and Sim there are crises of legitimacy and authority , Woolf stresses prisoners ' sense of injustice , while Hall charts the creation of an ideology of law and order .
22 We take every opportunity to explain the crucial role played by the Appointed Actuary in the management of the company and to this end have recently published a booklet for non-actuarial directors and other senior managers of life assurance companies summarising the responsibilities and duties .
23 Hence , senior managers recognize the pivotal role played by lowranking officers .
24 There were variations in detail from shire to shire , but the predominant part played by the existing land-owning families seems to have been common .
25 Chris Cutler 's theoretical alignment with the Benjamin tradition , like Wicke 's , is implicit rather than explicit.4 Nevertheless , he clearly echoes Benjamin and Enzensberger in his stress on the democratic potential of electronic media , and on the leading role played by technological developments in general within the changing practice of cultural production .
26 Recording this news reminded me of the valuable role played by Area Presidents in guiding their Area and representing the Areas at a variety of events and functions .
27 People naturally want to retire and it is therefore important to offer opportunities for fulfilment in leisure , education and voluntary activities and to recognise the valuable role played by older people within the family .
28 I accept the valuable role played by the Minister , but does he accept that , although sponsorship is valuable , even more important is the fact that institutions such as the Royal Opera House can not go much further in the sponsorship race and will require funding ?
29 Their spokesman acknowledged the valuable role played by the Friends but argued the letters bordered on blackmail .
30 The exact parts played by earth movements and Pleistocene changes of sea level are both involved and imperfectly understood .
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