Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] for public " in BNC.

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1 Her closing call was not ‘ Time , gentlemen , please , ’ but ‘ Back to your lovely cottages , ’ using the homosexual term for public lavatories .
2 The draft programme was published in the central press for public discussion in October 1985 ; altogether , Gorbachev told the 27th Congress the following February , six million responses had been received from ordinary citizens , raising a whole variety of issues .
3 They were briefed extensively by experts about different aspects of the subject , and then took part in a three-day debate organized by the government-funded Foundation for Public Information on Science , Technology and the Humanities .
4 The basic rate for public sector expenditure has been assessed at 5 per cent per year in ‘ real ’ terms ( see HM Treasury , 1984 , p. 14 ) .
5 Mrs Bottomley 's first big test as Health Secretary will come this summer with the annual public spending round , which will be conducted against a background of concern over high Government borrowing and pressure from the Tory Right for public spending cuts .
6 On the whole it is not the present fashion for public companies to complicate their capital structures by having a large number of share classes — though much ingenuity is displayed in devising the most attractive methods of marketing issues and in creating types of company securities , other than shares but with rights to convert into shares .
7 An inquiry from Hilden Rec for a leasing arrangement at Glenmore has been turned down , and the Leisure and Allied Services Committee said the present demand for public pitches in the Borough ruled out any thoughts of a leasing arrangement .
8 The existing provisions for public enquiries prior to construction offers some opportunity for the public to respond , but this feedback is likely to have only minimal impact on the chosen design , unless new procedures are introduced .
9 The above plans for public spending are an integral part of the government 's medium-term financial strategy aimed at reducing inflation and maintaining the conditions for sustained growth , the creation of jobs and higher living standards .
10 Moreover , his review took account of factors which were very different from those relevant to ‘ streamlining the planning machine ’ : the increasing pressure for public consultation and participation in the planning process , and the ‘ dissatisfaction on the part of applicants because they often do not understand why particular decisions have been made , or why it is necessary for what may seem small matters to be the concern of the planning machinery at all ’ .
11 All states of the globe are today officially ‘ nations ’ , all liberation movements tend to be ‘ national ’ liberation movements , ‘ national ’ agitations disrupt the oldest nation-states in Europe — Spain , France , the United Kingdom , even , in a modest way , Switzerland — the socialist regimes of the East , the new Third World states liberated from colonialism , even the federations of the New World , where Canada remains torn and in the USA pressure is growing to make English the only language for public official purposes , in response to the mass immigration of Spanish Americans , the first wave of immigrants not to feel the attractions of linguistic assimilation .
12 However , road pricing is rapidly claiming widespread support — from organisations as different in their political perspectives as the Institute of Directors and the new Institute for Public Policy Research .
13 It is an attempt to preserve the special protections for public bodies contained in Order 53 while at the same time limiting the application of those protections to cases where they are necessary and suitable .
14 The proposed timetable for public platforms/launches as far as these can be scheduled is as follows :
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