Example sentences of "the [noun sg] suggest [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Its rather strange style finds its nearest parallels in the third quarter of the century , and primitive elements in the technique suggest that it is an early piece of its kind .
2 For a start the old problem of slow play reared its ugly head once more , causing one member of the field to suggest that he might switch to a more active sport like angling .
3 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
4 While both sexes gossip , the literature suggests that they gossip differently .
5 All the experience suggests that their minds are absent on social issues , as Susie confessed hers were during at least part of each day .
6 Our journeys on the whiteboard suggest that it holds the key to our concepts of beauty .
7 Whether the Ephesian disciples were Christians or not before Paul 's arrival — and the development of the story suggests that he finds they were not — Paul 's initial question still assumes that it is possible to be a believer in Jesus without receiving fully the Holy Spirit .
8 The common use of the prepositions in and out in connection with the mind suggest that it is conceptualised as a container . )
9 Mrs Whitehouse was accused at many points of being motivated by ‘ hatred ’ of homosexuals and , whilst the extract suggests that her attitude was not one of ‘ hatred ’ — indeed far from it — by including in her attitude to homosexuality such words as : undesirable , repugnant , perverse , suffering and abnormal , it is also easy to see how the gay community might be less than happy with the description .
10 The drawing suggests that there might come a time when the system does not recover at the bottom of its dive but continues heading downwards to collapse .
11 Then he had the nerve to suggest that my visit this morning would n't cost anything .
12 The plan suggests that it would be a delusion to assume that these immigrants would shed their values for Shetland ones .
13 The bow suggests that he might be the Master of Animals or Enualios , the god of war .
14 In his forties it grew worse and he decided to see a specialist When Alan mentioned that he had taken a lot of antibiotics just before the urticaria began , the specialist suggested that he try a diet with no sugar and very little starch .
15 The manuscript suggests that he was born at some date between 1485 and 1492 , and his latest completed work is dated 1546 .
16 The committee suggests that its recommendations could be accomplished without additional spending — a novelty in science 's advice to government .
17 Although the wording of the Act suggests that it could be used in cases of abuse , it seems that there is such a general sense of unease about the law as it stands that some new and especially designed statute will be necessary for effective provision .
18 The data we have at the moment suggest that we should reach our targets about 80% of the time , but our aim over the years will be not only to reach the targets in a higher proportion of cases but also to make the targets more difficult .
19 And the general uncertainty about the outcome suggests that there is real democracy at work .
20 The author suggests that there are , in fact , many different ‘ agents ’ in the brain some of which are ‘ feature finders ’ , some ‘ analysers ’ , some ‘ difference finders ’ , etc .
21 Although he was much attracted to both the inhabitants and the landscape of Wales , he still wrote no poetry until December 1875 , when the rector suggested that he commemorate the shipwreck of the Deutschland in the English Channel , where five German nuns were among those drowned .
22 The article suggests that it is necessary to change the image of science ; I now think that it is necessary to change science .
23 Although these indications are widely accepted , consideration of the embryology , development , and pathology of the prepuce suggests that their validity is open to doubt .
24 Wilkins 's survival as warden of Wadham , his move to the mastership of Trinity College Cambridge in 1659 , his becoming bishop of Chester in 1668 , and his appointment as Lent preacher to the king suggest that there was nothing particularly hazardous in being England 's most conspicuous Copernican .
25 The discussion of Taking the Side of the Other suggests that there is a need to make a theoretical distinction between the explicit and the implicit argumentative aspects of attitudes .
26 But the evidence suggests that they have some way to go still .
27 The evidence suggests that they are often indifferent to their educational attainment and are interested in only a narrow range of basic skills or in traditional education for the ‘ high-fliers ’ .
28 And just over the horizon is a host of commercial massively parallel processors : the jury is still out on whether machines from the likes of Kendall Square Research Inc will really be able to slip into the mantle discarded by the mainframe , but all the evidence suggests that they will .
29 The evidence suggests that they operate in a particular way , namely that there are predictable patterns in flows of support between older and younger generations , in which support flows in both directions , but on balance the older generation are the givers and the younger the receivers .
30 The evidence suggests that they have ‘ clamoured for more staff and for improved premises , ’ but the family health services authority has not had the resources to support this , nor were suitable vacant sites in which premises could be developed easily available in inner London .
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