Example sentences of "the [noun sg] have [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 Yet the undecorated vessels were given a variety of titles , despite the majority having also come from cemeteries ; biconical and globular vessels were labelled ‘ urns ’ , squat vessels as ‘ plain bowls ’ , and a variety of shapes that could not be fitted easily into the typological scheme were labelled domestic wares , ‘ crude accessories ’ , ‘ wide-mouthed cook-pots ’ and ‘ cook-pots with lugs ’ ( ibid. , pp. 26–9 , pp. 148–70 ) .
2 Yet the money had never come .
3 Coffin wondered what a defence counsel would have made of that lack if the case had ever come to trial .
4 It was as though the carved angel by the lectern had suddenly come to life .
5 The noise had definitely come from outside .
6 These chemicals are , by general definition , detergents although the term has now come to be restricted to a group of synthetic chemicals which have very specific effects the result of which is that dirt is taken into suspension in a stable form that allows it to be rinsed away .
7 Wordsworth felt that the wheel had indeed come full circle or rather , to use his own expression , that France was like a ‘ dog/Returning to his vomit ’ ( Prelude 1805 , x , 935 ) .
8 In addition , the steering had developed an ominous creak at parking speeds and the rear silencer on the exhaust had again come adrift .
9 Much of the substance of Wilberforce s supposition as to the effects of aroused opinion in the country on the legislature had finally come to pass a half-century later .
10 The legislature has never had occasion to speak on this matter , and the issue has never come to court .
11 It was as if the sun had suddenly come out and for all his age and infirmity , Lovat caught his breath .
12 A spokesman for the DTI acknowledged that the department had been broadly aware of the situation at Leyland-DAF in September but insisted that news of the receivership had still come as a surprise .
13 I think the moment has indeed come . ’
14 ‘ The forest plantation is quite young and the ditch was ploughed in 1987 , so the body has obviously come to be there after that . ’
15 It looked as if the serenity of the evening had just come to an end !
16 The request had just come in .
17 The three other members of the crew had just come back to the pump — we were doing " series pumping " — they had brought me a bottle of beer and I was taking a swig .
18 The video had originally come into use as a promotional device — a way for a group to receive television coverage , in Britain and abroad , without the expensive and time-consuming necessity of travel , hotel bills , etc .
19 The people selling the stuff had never come across haggling before and they were left thinking that it is the norm in western society .
20 Reference to the tribunal has usually come from the unions , rather than from BR management .
21 He said he was a reporter and he told me of the death of the King , the news had just come through .
22 It was as if the news had never come through at all .
23 The passenger has always come a poor second to the operational integrity of the system .
24 The franc had already come under pressure immediately prior to the referendum , falling on Sept. 18 to just above its F3.43 ERM floor against the deutschmark .
25 The Government had now come to believe , however , that it was wrong to have a penalty regime which was almost entirely automatic .
26 It would be no good stroking their Adult , say , if the transaction had largely come from their Child .
27 The uncle had apparently come to the school gates at the end of school and when the girl was a little way on her way home had caught up with her and taken her to his house .
28 In the month and a half it 's been delivering its high-end SparcCenter 2000s Sun has shipped 130 systems to paying customers : the firm has reportedly come up with a new 50MHz MPU module for its high-end SparcCenter 2000 that adds 2Mb external caches and improves database throughput from 20% to 40% .
29 Leonora nodded dumbly , wishing the subject had never come up , as Penry Vaughan strode off to the kitchen .
30 The thought had barely come and gone , and I was in the act of reaching out to replace the whisky bottle , when a long burst of electric-blue light from the aperture showed me something that froze me in mid-reach .
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