Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that would result " in BNC.

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1 to the nature of the personal data and the harm that would result from such access , alteration , disclosure , loss or destruction as are mentioned in this principle ; and ,
2 In the simple model above each firm must know that the other 's costs are identical to its own , and must know that they have the same beliefs about the market demand function as well as in the credibility of the punishment that would result from a deviation .
3 The starting material is a polyether comprising a random copolymer of ethylene oxide and tetrahydrofuran — a copolymer is used to avoid the crystallinity that would result from homopolymer .
4 But if disposing of the waste generated by the Hinkley C reactor during its normal operation was a problem , what about the waste that would result from the eventual shutdown and dismantling at the end of its hoped-for forty years of operational life — the process described as ‘ decommissioning ’ ?
5 Dolphin kills were suspected from the time the practice of fishing on dolphins began in 1959 , but a secretive tuna industry for many years resisted all attempts to have observers placed on their boats , no doubt fearful of the outrage that would result if the truth were made public .
6 In addition , better housing conditions , more industrial development , and the fillip for the city that would result from siting the new university there would reduce the flow of Catholics from Derry .
7 He knew that what he was seeing meant jobs for Cork , wage-packets for its workers , money for its shopkeepers , business for its tradesmen ; but , more than that , more even than the commerce that would result on a national scale , he saw it as history in action .
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