Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [coord] give we " in BNC.

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1 It 's not just the better the members that we 've got working in the Health Service , it 's about everybody in the room and everybody in the country who wants to use it and we 've got ta get it a bi a bit higher up on the agenda at this union and I hope Mick , that you can give us the confidence and give us the commitment , that that 's what we 're gon na get from this union .
2 The architect and his wife would put Eric up for the night and give us both a delicious dinner , the Signora exercising just the degree of chaperonage that was considered desirable at that time .
3 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
4 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
5 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
6 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
7 ‘ Now we are selling 50,000 vehicles it gives us encouragement that European consumers will forget the past and give us another chance , ’ said Mr Miller .
8 We need a win to restore our pride in the competition and give us a boost for Saturday 's game against Peterborough . ’
9 The agency takes on any kind of job — you just name the subject and give us some indication of the kind of thing you want to know , and then we go out and get it for you . ’
10 Let's hope advertisers get the message and give us more laughs and less po-faced hype in future .
11 Do n't forget that it gives us another chance to make progress in Europe this season ; success for Linfield and of course Crusaders may yet lift us away from the bottom of the ladder and give us a chance of avoiding those detested preliminary rounds .
12 Join the Trust and give us some help .
13 erm Rusty in the fact that erm we have n't been able to sort of erm get out on the field with a ball in our hand , erm but erm our coach erm Ian McMillan has taken the opportunity to drag us into the gym and give us quite erm hard fitness sessions , so the fitness is still erm quite high on our side , but erm handling the ball will be a little bit rusty , but hopefully this week , now all the snow 's gone , we 'll be able to get out and erm move the ball about at training .
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