Example sentences of "the [noun sg] at [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 In many ways the yacht suited him well enough , but there were a few details that niggled — like the way a lump of green water lifting onto the weather side deck and running aft almost invariably hit the rail at the corner of the transom and slopped over the coaming to soak his trousers .
2 One floor of the building at the corner of Smithdown Road and Garmoyle Road was completely gutted .
3 Residents were worried that adaptations to the building at the corner of Bow Street and Princes Road meant it was to be used as a morgue .
4 The only thing entirely common to both was the good-natured warmth of their brown eyes and the crinkles in the skin at the corners , especially when they laughed .
5 The men saw the blood at the corner of his mouth .
6 As well as Lewis and Barnett there was Christine , Barnett 's secretary , who had a voice as hard as her nail varnish , and who made Tim run errands for her , fetching bacon rolls from the cafe at the corner , buying stamps or pints of milk .
7 He saw the ice at the corner of the window panes , the hard blueness of the sky was not a summer colour .
8 Tom was standing on the stone steps of the shop at the corner , waiting for him .
9 ‘ That the accident at the corner of … resolved … culprit apprehended … said Herr Nordern cleared of all suspicion … and etc. , and etc. , and etc. , And that 's that , ’ Marx said unemotionally as he folded the form and slid it back into the envelope .
10 ‘ Ah good , ’ he said cheerily , trying in a manly way to calm the frenzy of my wrath , ignoring the foam at the corners of my mouth .
11 For example the Oak at the corner of the restaurant is thought to be more than 600 years old .
12 The policeman at the corner was looking interested .
13 She dismissed the taxi at the corner of Dorchester Terrace , thinking that the sight of it might alarm her sister .
14 Polly did n't understand the bitterness at the corners of his mouth .
15 She did not find it too difficult to go into a small shop — say , the local newsagent or the greengrocer at the corner of the street — as she was never too far from the window or the door .
16 On both sides of the bridge at the corners of the High Street and the Lawnmarket stand the administrative offices of Lothian Regional Council .
17 I entered the barn at the corner of the farmyard .
18 She could hear the rising engine-note of the Corporation buses as they pulled away from the stop at the corner , coming from nowhere either of them had ever heard of , going on through the gathering winter dusk to destinations equally obscure .
19 " I went to the box at the corner .
20 There she stopped in a car park to dry her eyes and dab the blood from the tear at the corner of her mouth .
21 The secret is not to get too greedy and try to knock off large pieces : aim to knock out the back of the tile at the corner , which weakens the front , and then gently hammer the front , a bit at a time .
22 Anyway , with Mum holding my hand , a shopping-bag in her other hand , I was led down South Portland Street and along Norfolk Street , to the school at the corner of Oxford Street and Buchan Street , Gorbals Primary .
23 The first mayor was Hugh Ripley , a merchant who owned the house at the corner of the market square which is now the tourist information centre .
24 On the co on the front of the house at the corner .
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