Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in [pron] voice " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a mistake to bottle things up , sweetheart , ’ he said , and the sympathy in his voice brought a lump to her throat .
2 The sympathy in his voice was heart-warming .
3 She looked up , startled at the change in his voice .
4 Perhaps that also explains the change in his voice .
5 The entreaty in her voice , the limpid , almost tearful look in her eyes …
6 Vitor picked up the tightness in her voice .
7 She hated the quaver in her voice .
8 The self-sacrifice in his voice was poignant .
9 The tenderness in his voice caused a sob to rise in her throat .
10 The horror in her voice was almost ludicrous , and Briant raised his eyebrows slightly .
11 Fred did n't appear to hear the horror in her voice , or if he did he managed to ignore it .
12 Alyssia did n't ask her friend to explain the sarcasm in her voice .
13 ‘ Dear , dear , your highness , ’ he drawled with no attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice , ‘ did I hit a soft spot ? ’
14 ‘ I 'm afraid that brutal and senseless attacks are all too common nowadays , ’ said Clarke , the resignation in his voice making an odd contrast to his air of perpetual astonishment .
15 ‘ Oh , yes ! ’ he drawled , laughing too , but she could still hear the tension in his voice and she knew she had to tell him everything .
16 She was shocked to hear the tragedy in his voice .
17 The irony in her voice was heavily obvious .
18 But her natural politeness could not hide the distress in her voice .
19 She was aware of the disbelief in his voice even above the din .
20 The pleasure in his voice disarmed her .
21 She could hear the pleasure in his voice .
22 The kindness in her voice avoided unspoken criticism and commiseration , " Let me , " in a moment her quick fingers had Nicandra 's gardenia and its drift of green spray firmly in place .
23 The kindness in his voice , his touch on her hair were undamming the tears she had resolutely forced back .
24 Luke did n't seem to hear the fear in her voice .
25 Delaney tried to play down the fear in his voice — fear for her .
26 ’ He grinned and I caught the mockery in his voice .
27 One part of your brain is able to identify the flaws in her arguments ; but the other is only aware of the emotion in her voice .
28 The emotion in his voice was not unkind .
29 The ice in her voice had no effect on him whatsoever .
30 He glanced up , patently unperturbed by the ice in her voice , took a mouthful of coffee , and looked back down again at the book he was studying .
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