Example sentences of "the [noun] he have brought " in BNC.

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1 Jarvis opened the case he had brought on the vestibule floor , carried the typewriter into Remove , where he put it on one of the desks , and took his clothes upstairs .
2 Ivy had her hands full with the driving , and although Zen soon gave up trying to follow their route on the maps he had brought with him , which proved to bear only a partial and rather disturbing resemblance to the landscape , like a mild hallucination , he kept up a show of poring over them to try and assuage his guilt at being a mere passenger , unable to share her burden .
3 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
4 As soon as he 'd gone she seized the crutch he 'd brought up , and , hobbling into the bathroom , closed the door with a bang .
5 To help combat the boredom he had brought his books on perspective with him , and a novel , Dickens ' Edwin Drood .
6 He flattered himself that he was in some small part responsible for such blissful bizarrities , given that over the years he 'd brought all manner of influences through from the Succulent Rock .
7 On Wednesday , he swallowed his pride , banked Dysart 's cheque and purchased a car with most of what remained from the cash he had brought back from Rhodes .
8 Such a modest occasion to make a girl like Sally-Anne Tunstall , used to kings and courts , happy , but it was , she discovered , true happiness to hold her future husband 's hand , drink the lemonade he had brought her , and watch her work being praised and , more to the purpose , sold .
9 As it was , the week he spent on Mrs Goreng 's tour confirmed him in the ideas he had brought with him .
10 However , senior officers had it clear in their own minds that the disgrace he had brought to the rank meant he would not be allowed to keep it .
11 They were depression , an alcohol problem which included a heavy drinking bout the night before he killed himself , the disgrace he had brought on himself .
12 ‘ Did you pick up any readings on the outer building ? ’ she asked , removing the Geiger-Muller counter from the holdall he had brought with him .
13 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
14 His eyes were intently on her as he came back and he put the things he had brought on her dressing-table , ready to remove .
15 ‘ Each dealer knew well the cattle he 'd brought from the Irish villages .
16 She was afraid he might see the colour he had brought to her cheeks .
17 He finished his coffee and took the Underground back to his studio apartment in Beaufort Street , Chelsea , where he had prudently stored photocopies of the evidence he had brought out of Jeddah .
18 Robert recognized him now : it was the restaurant-owner he had met on the day he had brought home Hasan — Mr Khan .
19 Locke 's philosophy about property accepted the settlers ' point of view : in his theory it is the man on the spot who is doing something to the land ( though mainly by directing the labour of the people he has brought over at his own expense ) who is justly entitled to ownership .
20 ‘ It 'll never end , the trouble he 's brought me .
21 ’ On the north-east corner he asked for a castellated bell tower in which to house the bell he had brought back from Lille .
22 Battuta presented the gifts he had brought from Khorasan ; and in return he was given the post of Qazi ( or judge ) and presented with two villages , a pension of twelve thousand dinars and a house in which to live .
23 Dangling from one hand he carried the object he had brought from the corpse-strewn forecourt of the gas station .
24 From the galley he had brought matches wrapped in cellophane and packed in a screw-top coffee jar .
25 Peter picked up the exercise book and slipped it into the box he had brought down from the loft .
26 She worked with one photographer , some of the shots he had brought back spectacular , and he was waiting for her as she walked into the office .
27 The small party — Peter Young by now had about half the men he had brought from Maaloy — opened fire on the warehouse , the Colonel having already emptied his revolver in firing at a sniper 's window , and they kept the German from the window long enough for George Herbert to splash a bucket of petrol over the wooden walls .
28 The food he had brought from Red Cottage was still down in the car .
29 Unfortunately , the accident had occurred near the end of his shift and he had eaten all of the food he had brought to his work .
30 Then we lowered the sail and sat in the sun , and Pierre spoke of the lot he and his fellow villagers had been born to , the weeks at sea , the gales , the great hauls of fish , the hardships and achievements of a Breton fisherman 's life , while we ate the food he had brought with him , and drank his rough cider .
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