Example sentences of "the [noun] and across the " in BNC.

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1 Cut the slices in half and stand them semi-upright round the edges of the dish(es) and across the centre .
2 Visitors are free to wander through the woods and across the extensive lawns to admire the lily pond , the fountain and the rose gardens .
3 Jekyll 's servant , Poole , let him in at once and took him through the kitchen and across the back garden to the laboratory behind the house .
4 Jefferson led the way , with his production director , out of the boardroom and across the corridor to the factory door .
5 She ran from the office and hurried from the building and across the road to the car park .
6 They raced to the bottom of the door at an alarming rate and then vanished , as if sucked , under the door , over the storm board , down the steps and across the pavement .
7 Stumbling a little , she followed him up the steps and across the moonlit terrace into the palazzo .
8 ‘ Once past the Swamp and across the Highway there are a dozen paths to choose from . ’
9 It was impossible to refuse to move , though , and Jenna found herself being urged out of the car and across the gravelled drive towards the ivy-covered entrance of the château .
10 The Mafia pervades Italy now and its tentacles reach across the continent and across the Channel by all accounts .
11 The smelt mills had long flues that in some cases snaked up the hillside and across the fell .
12 About 75 acres came from Bolney Estates Limited and about 30 acres from Mr K.K. McKenzie of Gillotts , this latter being all that part of the course west of a straight line drawn from a point close by the public footpath near the 5th green , through the wood and across the 8th , 9th and 10th fairways to the Belle Hatch road at right angles .
13 The more ancient Antarctic specimens provide an opportunity for meteoriticists to compare the types of planetary debris that followed orbits around the Sun and across the Earth 's path half a million years ago , with those colliding with the Earth today .
14 He went down the passage and across the landing into his own room .
15 Their fires were still curling blue smoke into the frosty air as they filed out of the village and across the icy boards of the small bridge .
16 Half asleep still , she stumbled from the room and across the hall to the bathroom .
17 ‘ Of course I will , ’ and she smiled at Mrs Langley and held out her hand and smiled at Rose and Grace , and then she went swiftly from the room and across the hall and down the steps to collapse shaking into the carriage .
18 There are members all over the RSA and across the world .
19 To disappear without so much as a phone call or a postcard for three years and then breeze back down the path from the town and across the bridge-rubber handlebars just clearing the sides and no more — carrying somebody else 's baby or babies and expecting to be housed , fed , nursed and delivered by my father was a little presumptuous .
20 Work up the sides of the torso and across the tops of the arms and shoulders .
21 Simon walked down to the stream and across the bridge to his own cottage , waving with his usual cordiality , which was unfailing because it depended on no cordial impulse .
22 The clerk waited till Ranulf returned and , when he did , they all made their way down to the ferry and across the Forth .
23 With the aid of £700 , a few friends , some two-way radios , a car jack and a ladder made out of knitting needles , Bourke got Blake out of prison , over the wall and across the Channel to East Germany .
24 The members regarded the course as satisfactory , although at the next month 's committee meeting the decision was taken to dig trenches around the back and across the 4th green .
25 By contrast , the scene in ET The Extra-Terrestrial ( 1982 , NA $228.6 million ) where ET and the children ride their bicycles off the ground and across the sky is clearly fantasy and was accomplished with two-foot-high ( 60-cm ) models , using computer-controlled 3-D animation .
26 There was a short silence then the dogs ' barking grew into a raucous row ; shouts and the shrill of hunting horns carried clear to us as a fat buck , together with two hinds , galloped from the trees and across the meadow in a flurry of snow .
27 When English resolution faltered and they turned to flee , the Scots pursued them down the Lowlands and across the Border , laying waste to Northumberland and Cumberland .
28 He carried her effortlessly , and lying against his heart brought such vivid happiness that the journey down the stairs and across the courtyard was over much too soon .
29 She flew down the stairs and across the atrium floor , her heels clicking against the tiles .
30 Stories of entrepreneurial heroism , come from across the economy and across the country : professors who create whole new industries and become instant millionaires when their inventions go from the laboratory to the marketplace ; youthful engineers who quit their jobs , strike out on their own , and strike it rich .
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