Example sentences of "the [noun] for [det] reason " in BNC.

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1 If you end the contract for any reason during the trial period , you will be treated as having been dismissed on the date when your original job ended .
2 And one thing you might come up with — this is just my idea , Vic is n't so sure about it — is that they ( i.e. us ) have come back to re-enact the ceremony for some reason that 's tremendously important to their tribes .
3 He 's wearing a heavy raincoat in the photograph for some reason , though it does n't seem to be raining , with the collar turned up , and he 's got a pipe in his mouth , though there 's no sign of any smoke coming out of it .
4 The prelude to this was set by another psychoanalyst called Otto Rank one of Freud 's er early followers who had published a book called the Myth of the Birth of the Hero and in this book what Rank did was to trawl through world folklore and literature , from myths of heroes , and of course there are a lot of those books , and dozens and dozens of them and what he does in the book is he distils all these dozens and dozens of myths and he finds that there 's a common pattern emerges and it 's , it 's pretty stereotypical actually and the common pattern is the hero is born of royal or divine parents , the hero for some reason or other that loses his parents or is cast out by them or is er exposed in some way , erm the hero is often threatened by some outside force and then rescued by er humble people .
5 In that case of Appleford ( Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 ) there was a mandamus brought , to restore him to his fellowship : it was returned , that by the statutes of the college , for misdemeanour they had a power to turn him out ; and that the Bishop of Winchester was visitor , and that he was turned out pro crimine enormi , and had appealed to the bishop , who confirmed the expulsion ; and the particular cause was not returned : I was of counsel for the college , and we omitted the cause in the return for that reason , because indeed it was not so true as it should have been .
6 Your husband or wife must not object to the divorce for any reason .
7 It seems reasonably clear , however , that persons who are of Romany origin constitute an ethnic grouping and are within the protection afforded by the Act for that reason .
8 Because very young children have this inherent feeling that their parents can do no wrong , should one or other of those adults disappear from the scene for any reason , the child will always think that it is his fault .
9 Occasionally there is a strong reason for weaning from the breast as the mother may want to return to work , or may need to be separated from the child for some reason .
10 If there is a break in recording during the lecture for any reason , you will also have to find a way of telling the viewer what happened in the gap .
11 Their class opponents shared that expectation , and feared and fought the extension of the franchise for that reason .
12 As said , all the District Councillors are opposed to it , I 'm opposed to it , and there 's very clear cut Highways Authority reasons for refusing , but in spite of that District Council seems to be going out of its way to bend over backwards and , and help the , the applicants for some reason or another , presumably to get this thing through .
13 If the court comes to the conclusion for any reason that the solicitor does not have the requisite authority , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require the solicitor to obtain that authority and ensure that the relevant fund remains under the control of the court meanwhile .
14 He had evidently been in fear of his life and purchased the weapon for that reason , since he had already been attacked on two previous occasions .
15 Some employers insist that if an employee leaves the job for any reason within a specified time limit after moving overseas , all or part of the relocation expenses must be repaid .
16 12.2 Should the Proprietor for any reason whatsoever not prepare and deliver such updating revision and correction within such time as may be reasonably required by the Publisher the Publisher shall be free to employ for that purpose such writer ( or writers ) as it may think fit and to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to such writer(s) from any monies due to the Proprietor for such updates , revisions or corrections .
17 13.2 Should the Proprietor for any reason whatsoever not prepare or fail to deliver each new edition then the Publisher shall be free to employ an alternative writer ( or writers ) to edit the work in such manner as the Publisher may consider appropriate and the Publisher will be entitled to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to the alternative writer(s) from royalties payable to the Proprietor on that edition .
18 It might , of course , be the case that people stopped throwing good-luck coins into the water for some reason , but , in fact , the coin evidence coincides with archaeological evidence for a cessation of the maintenance of the buildings in the precinct in about AD350 , and we can conclude that the religious use of the site tailed off from about that date .
19 I was beginning to think I must be in the doghouse for some reason . ’
20 If a petition is based on non-compliance with a statutory demand , the petition must not be dismissed only because the amount of the debt is over-stated in the demand unless , within the time limited for compliance , the debtor has given notice disputing the validity of the notice for this reason or , no such notice having been given , the debtor pays the correct amount ( r 6.25(3) ) .
21 Effectively this means that a three-year-old vine ( the minimum age for AOC Champagne ) will have three branches , a four-year-old four branches and so forth , unless the vigneron for some reason decides not to cultivate as many as he is entitled to .
22 Er , it 's like , it 's like the foreman on the shopfloor for some reason , there 's a er , in the systems or whatever , er , the warehouseman er , the night porter er , when he takes over , he knows what he 's doing , he knows what I want , because I 've spoken to him about it , erm , he knows what items I want to leave for stock people , erm , and Sue , the checkout manager , she 'll know if I want extra people on the shopfloor because we 're quiet , or I expect it to be quiet , erm , she knows where they 've got to be , and I 'll come back and review it with her .
23 Later in its life , the same theory was known to be inconsistent with the details of the orbit of the planet Mercury , although scientists did not abandon the theory for that reason .
24 If Fen entered the galley for any reason , the curtain was not sufficient barrier to muffle the sound of sobbing .
25 These guardians do not own any equity individually , and so , if they leave the firm for any reason such as retirement , the shares are handed on to someone else to look after .
26 There is little to be gained from refusing to do so , but if you object to the warning for some reason , you should make that clear and pursue your rights under the appeals procedure .
27 A member disciplined by the union for this reason may complain to an Industrial Tribunal which , if it finds the complaint well founded , will make a declaration to that effect .
28 Some might well be Balliol supporters and go along with the Earl for that reason .
29 IMPORTANT NOTEs If you wish to exercise your right to claim a financial award you should immediately advise the Court that you oppose the application for that reason , and thereafter consult a solicitor .
30 Many appeared to be visibly drunk at matches and were often thrown out by the police for this reason .
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