Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb -s] actually [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Except er I , I mean I 'd say that the income funds actually performed quite well , if you did n't look at the capital value .
2 ‘ Perhaps the recession has actually helped us , ’ she said .
3 It is a tribute I suppose to the English language that there are so many forms of circumlocution that it is remarkably easy to persuade yourself that you have made a bold statement , or conveyed the bad news , whilst in reality there is no conceivable possibility that the recipient has actually understood what you are talking about .
4 Second , the telephone lists actually used for the sample were unrepresentative of the electorate .
5 And that means that er you know the indexation has actually worked very well .
6 oh right the forsythia has actually flowered this year
7 Lawyers who think that judges should take a pragmatic attitude toward legal rights sometimes say the community has actually decided that they should , at least tacitly .
8 This is so whether or not the business has actually received from its customers the money on which the VAT is due .
9 It 's hard , I mean it 's , it 's difficult to tell , difficult to decide when the meaning has actually changed it 's a notoriously hard problem , which nobody really knows how to solve in the principle way .
10 The place has actually increased in recent years .
11 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
12 But such examinations must be adapted not only to the past ( what the candidate has actually learned at school ) but to the future ( what he will have to learn , understand , and be able to do next ) .
13 Your asking me as chairman of the board and I think I can speak to the board I think that the theatre has actually managed very well .
14 It is sometimes argued that the firm has actually replaced the family as the central focus of social existence .
15 If the speaker has actually switched to LE , there is intentionally no adaptation .
16 Rozario finding Collimore , that 's a great turn by Collimore my word the shot has actually gone into the second tier of the stand behind the goal .
17 A final touch is Tom 's use of an independent flash unit to indicate that the radio has actually fired the shutter .
18 Sun wo n't say if that is the case , or whether the Viking has actually hit the 50MHz mark yet .
19 Now one of the problems of course is nails grow very slowly , and you ca n't clear the nail until the nail has actually grown out fully .
20 For all these reasons the apparently draconian central powers contained in the 1984 Rates Act had a surprisingly limited effect in terms not only of the numbers of authorities rate-capped but also in terms of the capping limits actually imposed .
21 Royalties on such sale shall not become accountable as a sale until one month after the Publisher has actually received payment .
22 8.3 Should the Publisher notify the Company in writing of a high risk sale of the Work then royalties on such sale shall not become accountable as a sale until one month after the Publisher has actually received payment .
23 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
24 M Mr Deputy Speaker , you will have seen if you read these er orders in front of us today running to at least er I reckon about ten thousand words , but by and large , all and sundry are going to be bote , er going to be out of vote on June the ninth , citizens of the European union and the minister has actually said on one or two occasions , all citizens of the union , well it is not true that all citizens of the union will be able to vote on er June the ninth .
25 The chlorine we detect in the rivers has actually come from the ocean .
26 Oh the story of this particular one is that it er er they tried to make out that the erm that the the the the shark has actually got something against the human beings on this boat and it keeps chasing them .
27 Once the software has determined whether the player has actually hit the target or not the game can continue accordingly .
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