Example sentences of "'s relation to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in painting , where patronal relations , in directly commissioned works ( the simplest example is the portrait ) , have also persisted , there are still some examples of artisanal and many post-artisanal relations , the latter still often in their first phase , where a painter 's relations to a gallery which sells his work are still commonly in the distributive phase .
2 The word ‘ Product ’ in the last line implies a similarity in Sylvanus 's relations to the land and to Phillis : both are to be possessed .
3 But to revert to normal and to prefer one 's relations to the garden would not seem to require obvious explanation .
4 The infinitive 's relation to the modals is thus exactly parallel in the field of potentiality to that which it entertains with auxiliary do in the field of actuality .
5 Such a view is called into question by Jacques Lacan 's understanding of the subject 's relation to the mirror image .
6 As Berger asks , what was the old man 's relation to the girl 's baby ?
7 This was not surprising given that the Parliament was dominated by Faulknerites but even so , it was not clear to Ulster Protestants what it was that the DUP wanted in Ulster 's relation to the mainland .
8 Arius and his friends had suggested that his critics must presuppose the ( to him ) unacceptable proposition that the Son 's relation to the Father is one of ‘ identity of being ’ , language unprotected against the heresy of Sabellius .
9 I have mentioned one example of such imagery already — the comparison between God 's relation to the world and salt dissolving in water .
10 But , as Kapla notes of Mitchell , feminist Lacanians tend to assimilate the linguistic unconscious to ideology , and to leave ideology 's relation to the material world unclear .
11 By conferring the status of unquestionable truth on some aspects of the parent 's relation to the infant , she narrows the domain within which the social can have effects .
12 For example , a Marxist perspective would be likely to view the individual 's relation to the means of production as a more relevant determinant of attitude and behaviour ( including linguistic behaviour ) than his or her position in a stratified society .
13 We have already seen that depressive or manic responses may be shown to be related to the problem of the son 's relation to the mother and his contradictory desire to be devoted to her as the ideal mother of hunter-gatherer prehistory and yet to be free of her as the phallic , dominant mother of primal agriculture .
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