Example sentences of "she glanced [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As she moved in that direction , she glanced into the kitchen and caught sight of the clock .
2 It was when she heard the phrase ‘ hit-and-run job ’ that she glanced into the road .
3 Smiling to herself , she glanced into the room , and saw General Froebe staring out at the dock with a melancholy gaze .
4 Stooping to pat him , she glanced into the porch .
5 As Aggie pulled the arms from around her waist she glanced to the side , for Ben was no longer in the room .
6 She glanced at the gendarme .
7 She glanced at the map , and went back to spooning hot fat over the eggs .
8 She glanced at the dashboard clock .
9 She glanced at the man , and he said , ‘ Yes ; yes , six . ’
10 Unable to keep a smile of pure pleasure from her lips , she glanced at the man at her side .
11 She glanced at the bottle thoughtfully .
12 She glanced at the screwdriver he still held in his hand .
13 She glanced at the red , uneven features , the fair hair dusted with grey .
14 Again she glanced at the windscreen of the other car but she could see nothing through the darkened glass .
15 She glanced at the clock .
16 Over his shoulder she glanced at the clock over the door — the hands seemed to be moving very fast and she was reluctant to say it was time she was going .
17 She glanced at the clock , and away again quickly .
18 She glanced at the clock , it was a wonder mother was n't banging on the floor with her stick by now , it was way past dinner time .
19 She glanced at the clock , it was barely eight thirty and the train would be leaving within the hour .
20 She glanced at the clock on the bedside table .
21 Unthinkingly she glanced at the clock on the bedside-table and tears stung her eyes .
22 She glanced at the clock : five minutes to one .
23 She glanced at the clock and leapt to her feet , her colour deepening at the look in Penry 's eyes as she pulled her jersey over her head .
24 She glanced at the girl standing eagerly in front of her .
25 She glanced at the sky now but quickly looked away .
26 She glanced at the road ahead , a road that seemed to just shoot upwards at a terrifying angle .
27 She glanced at the back of each print , hoping for a name or a date or some other clue , but there was nothing .
28 And then she glanced at the window ; the darkness outside was complete .
29 He told her ; and he watched suspiciously as she glanced at the sheet of instructions , set the timer and plugged it into the power point that controlled the standard lamp .
30 She glanced at the backdrop of gentlemen , most of them in uniform , standing uncomfortably near the wall as though to divorce themselves from the proceedings and her heart sank as she thought of Craig , he should be here today , sharing in her adventure .
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