Example sentences of "she arrived at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Constance was startled by Miss Hatherby 's appearance when she arrived at the Hall .
2 But when she arrived at the hotel , Miss Crossland , 27 , claimed she ‘ was fobbed off all morning waiting for the cheque ’ .
3 When she arrived at the theatre that night she saw a note pinned up at the stage door stating that it had come to the management 's notice that a Girl had been flying , which was forbidden !
4 When she arrived at the theatre , a letter had just come by the evening post .
5 She arrived at the park .
6 When she arrived at the Rectory she found that Mrs Chamberlin was out , the Rectory children had been taken for a walk by the nursemaid , the Rector had asked not to be disturbed for he had both a parish letter and acute indigestion to tackle that afternoon .
7 She arrived at the Herald building at half past three , and walked past the uniformed commissionaire to the lift .
8 When she arrived at the airport she immediately checked in her baggage and made a phone call to Amsterdam .
9 When she arrived at the airport she reached into her baggage and quickly made a phone call to Amsterdam .
10 When she arrived at the airport she immediately checked in her baggage and made a phone call to Amsterdam .
11 When she arrived at the airport she immediately checked in her baggage and made a phone call to Amsterdam .
12 Since she was not particularly enamoured of Madame de Montijo it is little wonder that she arrived at the Cathedral in a state of high discontent .
13 When she arrived at the edge of the covert , she made her way cautiously along its downhill fringes .
14 When she arrived at the beginning of July , they had a great deal to talk about .
15 Her friendship with him began soon after she arrived at the School .
16 The pensioner , who needed sedation when she arrived at the Countess of Chester hospital , is still not well enough to be fully interviewed by police .
17 Mrs Pigdon had shown herself to be anything but sympathetic when she arrived at the hostelry earlier that evening .
18 As soon as she arrived at the office , she went to see Mr Tranter , the editor .
19 As usual , he was at his desk before she arrived at the office , and , as always , she felt that brief but undeniable shock of pleasure at seeing him .
20 Four-year-old Laura bubbled with health yesterday as she arrived at the family home in Eccles , Greater Manchester to cheers from neighbours .
21 Kerry 's hair had been recently cut but she decided to go for another snip when she arrived at the studio .
22 Soon after she arrived at the caravan he had said : ‘ I 'm vegetarian but I do n't expect you to be , or Timmy . ’
23 He took her in his car up to one of the few routes over the Apennines , but when she arrived at the pass , the Passo della Cisa , and saw the undulating , never-ending hills , she panicked .
24 Her face was so disfigured her mother did n't recognise her when she arrived at the hospital .
25 When she arrived at the hospital she was distressed , but not unkempt .
26 She arrived at the hospital at nine A M , and her condition was diagnosed as toxic shock syndrome or meningitis .
27 She arrived at the graveside to find her daughter had already been buried .
28 When she arrived at the bus station she saw on the wall behind her bold , splashy writing in foreign characters , Arabic maybe or Urdu , and small , disordered scribbles around the glass faces of the timetables , which , although an irritation , caused Rita no real pain .
29 When she arrived at the restaurant , Rohan was waiting in the doorway with open impatience .
30 At last , after about twenty minutes ' wandering , her feet soaking wet inside her leaking boots , and her leg muscles aching from wading through the snow , she arrived at the car park outside the administration block , and found her car .
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