Example sentences of "she comes [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She comes up to the house and starts bellowing , and just will not stop until you give her a cuddle !
2 It 's like when they did the erm you know when she comes on as a fairy
3 And she was coming back along towards and she comes all along the dual carriageway and this car in front of her
4 I suppose I see her once or twice a week — she comes in for a cup of tea , or I go to her .
5 She still travels the world , tirelessly delivering papers at scientific gatherings and converting anyone she comes across on the way .
6 So anyway she comes along into the dark pet and she said oh heck she said you must have a power cut along here I ca n't see nothing
7 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
8 she comes out of the bush and says she wants a highwayman to take her .
9 She comes out with the tea things on a tray
10 She 's probably lived such a repressed life she goes berserk when she comes out to the West Indies .
11 She comes out in the boat with me when I 'm going round on other jobs . ’
12 She comes back across the room , punches me playfully in the chest , then flops on to the sofa .
13 And if she comes back to the house , she wo n't be able to find me , so I got to stay there .
14 And she comes back to the Counts of Lusignan to foretell deaths — she is a kind of Dame Blanche , or Fata Bianca .
15 Hannah does that a lot , right , she goes to America and she comes back with an American accent , she goes to Scotland , she comes back with a Scottish accent , oh
16 so , er , Jack saying get that Christmas pudding , anyway she comes back with the ready scones do n't she ?
17 Hannah does that a lot , right , she goes to America and she comes back with an American accent , she goes to Scotland , she comes back with a Scottish accent , oh
18 Find out what happened to her and why , according to the story , she comes back from the Underworld and brings spring to the earth .
19 She might phone about half past nine when she comes back from the hospital .
20 What will happen to the smiling pose of Miss World when she comes down with a cold ?
21 Well she does and the hardest part , I think there is when she comes down in the morning and for five years he was there
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