Example sentences of "she felt [prep] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She felt as if they were face to face with an inquisitor .
2 She felt as if he had led her out of darkness into light .
3 She felt as if he had hit her .
4 She felt as if he was closing a door behind them and right at this moment she would have liked to keep it open , if only just a crack , because Felipe de Santis walked round the plane and stood watching them as they came towards him .
5 She felt as if he was paying homage to their love , his every caress a thanksgiving , and for once the wildness left them alone so their loving was a thing of tenderness and healing , of joy and celebration .
6 So when her son married and his wife had a baby girl she felt as if she 'd regained the daughter she 'd lost .
7 When she finally reached the scribbling engine , she felt as if she had been broken in two and glued back together again all wrong .
8 It could only be about eight o'clock — her old-fashioned watch , unwound this morning , had stopped — but she felt as if she had been up all night , working to meet an insane deadline .
9 He was a very easy person to talk to , and long before they reached home she felt as if she had known him for years .
10 She felt as if she were floating on air .
11 She felt as if she might be struck by lightning if she stayed where she was .
12 Seated in the tube train , she felt as if she were thundering through the earth in a time-capsule , guided by a power greater than herself , without real roots or destination .
13 She felt as if she were not really there , as if she had not really been there for a long time .
14 She felt as if she were back in a milieu which she understood , that she had an indefinable rapport with this tall , shaggy , rather solitary figure , dressed in jeans and an open-necked shirt and , as she had just observed , running-shoes .
15 Sometimes , as Harriet went about her days , inwardly sorrowing but outwardly self-controlled , she felt as if she had lost both a husband and a daughter .
16 She felt as if she were floating in limbo , beyond conscience , beyond responsibility and even beyond reality .
17 She felt as if she could float up into the starry night .
18 She felt as if she could trust Bernard .
19 As she spoke she felt as if she were stepping into Jake 's craziness , becoming part of it .
20 She felt as if she were sinking deeper and deeper in her own panic , her whole consciousness going down into a quicksand while her body stood there , stupid with fear .
21 She felt as if she had given her last performance .
22 She felt as if she were lying naked on a hot rock , stretching languorously towards the sun .
23 Overworked and depressed , she felt as if she were being turned into a glamorous business machine .
24 He was the man she loved , and she felt as if she were floating above the ground .
25 When Ruth arrived at the Rope Walk on Monday morning , she felt as if she were stepping back in time .
26 The cream stucco on the houses — the imposing pillared porches with their black-and-white tiled steps ; she felt as if she had seen it all before in a dream .
27 Pins and needles tingled in her fingers and toes , creeping along her limbs until she felt as if she were disconnected from the world .
28 Bewildered , she felt as if she 'd stepped back into a dark cave and was falling into the unknown .
29 Abruptly she felt as if she were on some kind of mental treadmill , returning to the same overworked grievance .
30 She felt as if she 'd just escaped a raging tornado , flung to one side just in time .
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