Example sentences of "she knew that [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Fran closed her eyes , willing the frantic pounding of her pulse to slow , but when his fingers completed their slow journey and came to rest at the base of her neck she knew that he could feel every frantic beat .
2 He did n't seem to know what it was himself , but she knew that it could n't be love , and if it was n't love then none of the other possibilities mattered .
3 She knew that she could not do it alone .
4 Again she saw Gazzer in her mind , laughing with Bella , clowning around , never taking anything seriously and she knew that she could never find the right words to convince Bella that he was dangerous .
5 She knew that she could put economic pressure on her neighbours to build up a bloc of states aligned to herself .
6 Constance wanted to run home but she knew that she could n't leave her bike .
7 ‘ From the baptism of fire she had got from the press she knew that she could handle the role too .
8 as though there had never been another world , and when a boy she knew , who lived in Doncaster , asked if he could come over and take her out , she refused him , although she liked him , because she knew that she could not bear to allow herself to emerge .
9 It may sound priggish , but she says it 's unwise to go against one 's nature , its fundamental requirements , she knew that she could only make a go of it , a real go — and that was what she wanted — with some very extraordinary kind of man , and she had n't met him yet .
10 In the past , when she felt depressed , she knew that she could always rely on her grandmother to lift her spirits .
11 She had seldom lied to her friend , but she knew that she could have described to her a proletarian custom whereby retired coalmen ate live eel-worms and not have been disbelieved .
12 In many ways the life of a great political hostess was very attractive to her , which only made her feel more guilty , but she knew that she could not tolerate a life of subordination and absolute dependency .
13 However , she knew that she could n't stand at the window indefinitely , so she left it to complete the task she had on hand .
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