Example sentences of "she 's been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Q Our daughter is nearly three and she 's been dry at night for over a year , but recently she 's started to wet the bed at night .
2 She 's absolutely livid that she 's been freezing for no reason at all .
3 I 'm not fussed for myself , but Pauline 's younger and she 's been used to town life , see what I mean ? ’
4 She 's been foul to poor Adam . ’
5 ‘ The nurse tells me she 's been asleep for some time . ’
6 on their own back , she did n't ask for it and June ai n't worked since Christmas , so er , I says I know what it 's like with my sister and I mean she 's been right in it ai n't she ?
7 No but she 's been critical of lots of other people .
8 Now of course she 's had a tremendous effect on , on fashion knitwear ever since she 's been involved with before .
9 Dave and I er were grabbed by the throat by em a woman and her husband from Worksop called and woman called Barbara , and she 's been involved with er a fella called Superintendent er in West Yorkshire .
10 She moistened her lips and said pleadingly , ‘ She 's been good to poor Dilys . ’
11 ‘ Oh , she 's been good to you , I 'm not denying that , but she ca n't stand the sight of me — never could .
12 She 's been good to me . ’
13 And then she 's been average on the last three or four months she 's been on eight stone .
14 And she 's married , she 's been married for two and half years to Glen .
15 ‘ In the past , ’ he said as he returned to Robbie 's side , ‘ she 's been accustomed to sleeping at the foot of my bed .
16 He feels his mother should be able to stay in the house she 's been happy in . ’
17 She says she 's been open with us , she is selling them to raise funds .
18 She says she 's been open with us , she is selling them to raise funds .
19 A : Oh no they lived in Canada eh he was married to my mother 's sister + + well she 's been dead for a number of years now +
20 She 's been dead for hours , ’ he commented .
21 Then Jimmy said well you know she 's been dead for many years and er she says , oh that 's right .
22 Oh yes , keep it in the family oh dear she was my youngest sister too and she 's been dead for , oh bloody hell , she was eighty six when she died , how long 's that ago , a few years , I 'm the baby of the family and me brother 's the next one , and he 's eight eighty five now , is he ?
23 Just one person witnessed the three running form the shop … she 's been able to given a briefg description of them to Police .
24 But — yes , the poor old thing is rather queer — in fact , she 's been mad for years , so you see now why I needed no special qualifications .
25 she 's been bedridden for twenty years now or whatever
26 Albert said , ‘ She 's been ill for ages .
27 While I 've been out in the fresh air enjoying myself she 's been stuck in this featureless boarding house , wondering if I 'll ever come back .
28 SHe 's been ready for this so-called ‘ work ’ since about the fourth day .
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