Example sentences of "she looked at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She looked at a Swatch watch which she wore upside down on her right wrist .
2 The nun was screaming now at the top of her voice ; then for a moment she became still and silent as she looked at a trickle of blood flowing down over her fingers ; and she now screeched again .
3 She looked at the earpiece and blew some flour off the metal diaphragm .
4 As she did this , she looked at the newspaper and read some of the words on the page … and it was like a terrible dream .
5 All the women exclaimed at the sight of the red , pink and white azaleas massed on the steps , but each thought privately that only she could appreciate the true beauty and significance of the flowers — Sophia feeling that here was the essence of the Italy she knew and loved , Penelope experiencing a lift of the heart as if the flowers held a promise of future romantic adventures , Ianthe knowing as she looked at the flower what she had only suspected before — that she was in love with John .
6 Is try and make up a mountain that 's misty , so she looked at the map and began to climb down .
7 She looked at the man .
8 She looked at the man , waiting for his reassurance .
9 She looked at the man witheringly , then shook her head .
10 She looked at the man .
11 She looked at the man sitting opposite her , and was suffused with a sense of loss .
12 She looked at the tyre and saw at once that even if there had been someone about who could have helped her , the tyre could n't be mended on the spot-there was a long split in the outer cover .
13 She looked at the clock .
14 She looked at the clock .
15 She looked at the clock .
16 She looked at the clock and noticed it was twenty-past one — everyone was in now except Michael .
17 She looked at the clock .
18 She looked at the clock .
19 She looked at the clock when she got in .
20 She looked at the clock , frustrated to find it was only a little after eleven .
21 She looked at the clock .
22 She looked at the grave of Hywel 's mother .
23 She looked at the snapshot of him in Gloria 's handbag , but still could n't seem to see him properly .
24 She looked at the moon , the lake , and the dark forest beyond , but she saw only defeat .
25 Again , she looked at the moon .
26 She looked at the back of the easel .
27 She looked at the back of Jessica 's head , tucked sideways onto Rory 's shoulder as he drove , and she smiled .
28 She looked at the dish and the food again .
29 At first she could meet his eyes , but what she saw confused her and she looked at the floor , colour creeping into her cheeks , reacting against the tenderness surprised in herself with a sense of shock that made her brusque and suspicious .
30 She looked at the title .
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