Example sentences of "she could [adv] imagine [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She could not imagine him chasing after other women once he had committed himself , could not imagine him being so insensitive as to leave a woman — his woman — wondering why he was so late arriving home , or whether he was coming home at all .
2 She could not imagine who might want to see her at this time on a Saturday morning .
3 She could not imagine it .
4 She could just imagine him saying , ‘ Yes , of course , ’ while his eyes betrayed amusement and pity .
5 She could just imagine him saying ‘ Oh , but I can help .
6 She could just imagine him closing in for the kill .
7 She could just imagine his look of derision , maybe even one of his put-downs .
8 She could well imagine what was going on in his mind : fickle , impulsive girl who flitted from one man to another without so much as a backward glance .
9 Playboy , yes , she admitted reluctantly ; she could well imagine him wining and dining beautiful Australian socialites .
10 She had spoken the truth when she said she could n't imagine her life without him .
11 If all that was not the ultimate in human proximity to God , way above all ordinary mortals , she could n't imagine what else could be .
12 She could n't imagine what it would be like having to get into bed with the elegant stranger who turned to speak to her now and then .
13 It was n't one she would have chosen ; she could n't imagine what use a black lace evening dress would be , but then , she had no idea of where they were going .
14 Very likely he used the same precise manner ; she could n't imagine him doing otherwise .
15 She could n't imagine he could ever have had a single moment of nervous insecurity in his whole charmed life .
16 She could n't imagine it , Laura had never seemed the sizzling type .
17 She could n't imagine it .
18 I borrowed a veil from my aunt , who said that , at the age of 50 , she could n't imagine herself needing it again .
19 Nevertheless , she could n't imagine herself in any form of intimacy with her employer , much as she liked him .
20 She looked at him before going on , for she had been going to say , ‘ beat you up , ’ but she could n't imagine anyone attempting to beat this young fellow up .
21 She could only imagine what he must be suffering .
22 Grainne felt her heart thudding with such a fierceness that she could almost imagine he would hear it .
23 He spoke so reasonably , so casually , that she could almost imagine he cared about her feelings .
24 To allow them to flourish could lead only to pain — even greater pain than she was feeling in this moment , though she could hardly imagine anything could be greater .
25 She could readily imagine his feelings of guilt and self-disgust , and his anxiety to lay the blame at Bella 's door .
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