Example sentences of "she was supposed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Her sexuality was supposed to be greatly intensified during the first three days and on the fourth day she was supposed to be the most fertile for conception .
2 She was supposed to be engaged to a wealthy young Jewish boy whom no one ever met , and they began to wonder if he existed .
3 She was supposed to be pregnant and perhaps Scotland might still get its heir but would it be a male prince and who would protect him over the coming years ?
4 She had three years to spend in a beautiful city , reading ; and that was what she was supposed to be doing .
5 How many folks did it carry ? ’ and when he refused to answer , added stiffly : ‘ Jess … that 's what I 'm called , ’ as a first move to soften him — and then remembered she was supposed to be a boy .
6 She returned to the house at Sutton in Ashfield , Notts , where she was supposed to be babysitting .
7 Rolle 's great contemporary St Catherine of Siena ( 1347–80 ) once fell into the fire when she was in ecstasy though she was supposed to be cooking a meal .
8 Dorothy inquired , far too intrigued at this unexpected interest in Isobel to remember that she was supposed to be indoors starting to prepare supper .
9 No , she was supposed to be going to stay with a girlfriend from the India days who lived in Perthshire .
10 And with this interjection Aggie now beat her closed fist against the end of the settle as she added angrily , ‘ If she had acted like the friend that she was supposed to be to the mother I would n't be faced with this lot tonight . ’
11 Even so , when I stumbled across Miss Diana Dors — a permissive sex-symbol of some notoriety twenty years ago — advancing its claims in a popular magazine and asking us to cast our minds towards ‘ my era back in the fifties ’ , I was not immediately sure whose side she was supposed to be on .
12 She was supposed to be sleeping at Lizzy 's house tonight and Lizzy was supposed to be staying over at hers .
13 She was supposed to be suffering from a nervous breakdown , but that could be because the law did n't want anybody talking to her .
14 She 'd wondered briefly about trying to pass the job along to Adele , but knew right away that it would n't work out ; she was supposed to be the unsentimental one , after all , the hard business-head and the scourge of the tradesmen .
15 He also denied that his wife had given him any details of who she was supposed to be meeting at TVL at the time of the party .
16 ‘ Perhaps it was this bloke Kennedy she was supposed to be meeting .
17 She might have backed off , gone into the pub and telephoned for a cab to fetch her ; but Holly knew who she was supposed to be meeting and she would feel foolishly fainthearted next day if she had to confess to being too nervous to see the matter through .
18 She was supposed to be an experienced sailor .
19 I thought she was supposed to be a sort of part-timer , an amateur . ’
20 Furious , and hurt , and quite forgetting she was supposed to be being conciliatory , she demanded , ‘ What was I supposed to do ?
21 And she was supposed to be a witch right enough and the men from all round about here er had a meeting about it and they I think met at the barn of Dale .
22 She found the trug in the outhouse , not the kitchen , and cleaned it before trotting off towards the rectory , which was quite a long walk from Vetch Street , through a rowdy street market where an organ-grinder and his monkey were performing , and a Punch and Judy man stood on the corner , and Sally-Anne — no longer McAllister now that she was out of the house — for all of her advanced years stood and watched Mr Punch for some time before she guiltily remembered what she was supposed to be doing .
23 He came closer and sat beside her on the grass , close , so that she could hardly concentrate on what she was supposed to be saying .
24 By the time Ellie did finally remember she was supposed to be meeting someone in Dublin , the afternoon was well advanced .
25 Not sure where to go , or even if she was supposed to be wandering around , she followed the sound of voices to a room at the back of the house .
26 ‘ No , ’ she whispered , going pale again with fright as she remembered what she was supposed to be doing .
27 That nagging doubt , the feeling that something was missing in the woman she was supposed to be .
28 We 'd had the odd fling even while she was supposed to be engaged to him — the night of the fire was when we started it .
29 And tomorrow she was supposed to be visiting the Monpazier bastide with him .
30 ‘ It 's bad enough just knowing that Isabelle was having an affair with a married man while she was supposed to be engaged to his brother .
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