Example sentences of "she walk back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly she walked back towards the gates of the Hall .
2 As she walked back towards the Presbytery to interview Father Kipling , she did not feel unhappy any more .
3 With a little grimace she walked back towards the bed , and then leaned against one of the posts .
4 Hari was angry as she walked back through the streets towards her home , Emily Grenfell was nothing but a snob , she thought everyone beneath her .
5 Wrenching her wrist free , she walked back to the milking house with her mind a complete blank .
6 Ari felt very old as she walked back to the group .
7 ‘ Bun voyage , ’ she called aloud to him , and it was possible to discern a dance of relieved joy in her step as she walked back to the limousine .
8 ‘ Come here , ’ she said as she walked back to the fireplace .
9 As she walked back to the barn she thought about what the marquis had said .
10 A little later , holding a mug of coffee carefully in both hands , she walked back to the hall table to retrieve the ring .
11 She walked back to the mantelpiece again and stared at the card as if she could contact its writer by clairvoyance .
12 Taking pity on them because , despite her irritation with their constant preoccupation with her affairs , she knew it was n't meant maliciously , and they 'd been enormously kind after Ryan 's defection , she walked back to the counter .
13 Replacing the crockery in the cupboard , she walked back to the desk where she had left her bag , and stopped suddenly in her tracks , seeing Rourke 's familiar figure looming ahead .
14 She walked back to the empty station and leaned against the wall , smoking a cigarette .
15 Lucy went — and as she walked back to the office she wondered what had got into her to cause such unruliness of her tongue and to bring her claws to the surface .
16 She walked back to the house , thinking over Rodet 's strange reaction .
17 She walked back to the cot .
18 Then she walked back into the kitchen and soon heard the hard clatter of shoes on the stone stairs and Giovanna was upon her .
19 She walked back into the house , and Piers glanced at her with one raised eyebrow .
20 If she walked back into the laboratory Jason would engineer a scene .
21 The clear day stretched before her ; when she walked back into the house her day would be filled .
22 Jack was just arriving as she walked back into the department , and a police car drew up with the still-hysterical mother inside .
23 Lisa smiled to herself as she walked back along the corridor that led to the drawing-room and the conservatory .
24 At ten o'clock that evening , she walked back along the lane .
25 When she walked back across the yard her precious little house stared at her malignly , its nest-like quality defaced .
26 He stood and watched her walk back to the house and then he went back to his work .
27 I watched her walk back down the steps , and the wind flipped her loose cardigan so that it became a swansdown shawl .
28 Fran turned off the shower and wrapped a huge fluffy towel around her to walk back into the bedroom — then came to an abrupt halt when she found Luke standing by the door .
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