Example sentences of "she walk [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 She walked up to the gate at the end of Kee 's garden and waited .
2 ‘ I think I need some advice , after all , ’ Hilary said quietly as she walked up to the little group .
3 She walked up to the villa .
4 Hooking it over a conveniently placed rack , she walked through to the sitting-room .
5 She walked on to the Fourniers ' house , dragging every step .
6 It did n't take her long to change into her jade swimsuit and moments later she walked on to the poolside .
7 She walked over to the fridge .
8 She walked over to the fridge .
9 Getting up from her seat she walked over to the radio cabinet .
10 Helpless with anger , she walked over to the window .
11 She walked over to the window .
12 She walked over to the door , but then stopped and looked back at him .
13 She walked over to the tree the creature had crashed into .
14 She walked over to the rail and leant her forearms on it as she stared across the river , and drew in a shuddery little breath , hating the fact that Luke could make her so aware of him with just a look .
15 She walked over to the pond and bent to pick up a small pebble , skimming it across the glittering water , watching the way it bounced , then sank , leaving behind it only ripples .
16 Jane Hall had booked into the Riverside Hotel , she walked over to the reception desk and rang the bell , hello I 'm Jane Hall I 've booked a weekend stay here , ah yes Miss Hall if you would just like to sign here , here 's your key , your room is six floors up , third on the right , have a nice stay .
17 The Land Rover engine rumbled on as she walked round to the driver 's door and waited for him to look at her .
18 She walked round to the main entrance and took the lift .
19 She walked round to the back of the car .
20 Avoiding their curious glances , she walked round to the hardware section and tried to shut her ears to the whispered conversations that suddenly broke out as soon as she was out of sight .
21 Without waiting for an answer , she walked round to the boot and began to take out the luggage .
22 She walked round to the rear of the car and stood silently while he undid the boot and picked up her bag .
23 Wrenching her wrist free , she walked back to the milking house with her mind a complete blank .
24 Ari felt very old as she walked back to the group .
25 ‘ Bun voyage , ’ she called aloud to him , and it was possible to discern a dance of relieved joy in her step as she walked back to the limousine .
26 ‘ Come here , ’ she said as she walked back to the fireplace .
27 As she walked back to the barn she thought about what the marquis had said .
28 A little later , holding a mug of coffee carefully in both hands , she walked back to the hall table to retrieve the ring .
29 She walked back to the mantelpiece again and stared at the card as if she could contact its writer by clairvoyance .
30 Taking pity on them because , despite her irritation with their constant preoccupation with her affairs , she knew it was n't meant maliciously , and they 'd been enormously kind after Ryan 's defection , she walked back to the counter .
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