Example sentences of "she could [adv] see his " in BNC.

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1 As he was partly hidden by the foliage she could not see his face clearly — only that he was wearing a cap and carrying a suitcase .
2 He crouched before her , his big shoulders against the light from the window so that she could not see his expression .
3 Slowly he righted himself and took off the mask , although she could not see his face for she was not looking at him .
4 And his head , with the cropped dry hair which reminded her so of corn-stubble , was bent low over the page so that she could not see his face .
5 He had turned away from her a little and she could not see his face .
6 Her eyes tightly closed in a vain attempt to hold back more tears , she could not see his expression , but she did hear his harsh intake of breath .
7 He was seated at his desk , his back to the window , so she could not see his expression clearly .
8 Towards dawn , Miranda no longer knew whether or not she was dreaming , as she felt Adam 's flesh against hers and inhaled the pungent almond smell of love ; by the dying embers of the drawing-room fire , she could just see his face .
9 She could just see his face when she told him her mornings began at six .
10 The man was brushing the London dust from his dark-suited legs , and she could n't see his face .
11 You 're beautiful whatever you do to yourself , ’ he murmured , but she could n't see his expression , and that was infuriating .
12 She could n't see his face clearly in the darkness , only the gleam of his eyes .
13 She could n't see his expression but it did n't take a fool to realise that distaste and contempt must lurk there .
14 There were deep shadows across the room now and his face was in one of them so she could n't see his eyes clearly .
15 She could certainly see his face was flushed with liquor , in that typical Asian way .
16 She might not have been able to see his expression , but she could definitely see his smile — and it was n't a very nice one .
17 The man had stopped pacing now ; he was talking , at first quietly , so that she could only see his lips moving through a screen of ferns , then he began arguing , gesticulating , running through the phrases again and again like an actor in rehearsal , pleading with someone who was n't there .
18 She could almost see his brain working .
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