Example sentences of "she have ever been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time she 'd ever been on board ship .
2 It was the flight path the one man she 'd ever been In Love with had taken her for the first time , after a late film at the Paris Pullman , Kensington to Hampstead at two a.m .
3 One moment she had been happier than she 'd ever been in her life , the next she was alone again .
4 With a sense of shock Harriet realised that in the last hours Paula had become more of a stranger to her than she had ever been during the twenty years she had believed her dead .
5 It would be the first time she had ever been with John to a place that was part of her own particular world , unless one counted the Ash Wednesday lunchtime service at her uncle 's church .
6 The only dances she had ever been to had been school dances , and she wanted to go to this one .
7 Sylvie had come the closest she had ever been to begging .
8 He asked her , smiling over the top of his glass , if she had ever been to bed with a man and when she said ‘ not exactly ’ he had burst out laughing and touched her cheek with one strong brown hand .
9 She was more frightened than she had ever been in her life , but fright gave her strength .
10 I even found it difficult to believe that she had ever been in cahoots with Mr Broadhurst .
11 There was no getting away from the fact that sometimes being with Miguel made Shelley feel happier than she had ever been in her life .
12 This time last week it had been , last Saturday , when she and Miguel had spent some time together and she was as happy as she had ever been in her life — until that moment when she discovered just how much of a fool he had made of her …
13 I rarely go to her house and I do n't think she 's ever been to my flat , but our friendship is very much part of our working lives .
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