Example sentences of "she be gon [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well I 'll speak to about it by all means but I 'm not quite sure how the hell she 's gon na be able to do it .
2 Yeah well I 'll speak to about it by all means but I 'm not quite sure how the hell she 's gon na be able to do it .
3 But , after it all , she 's gon na be the one that 's going to need the erm the strength .
4 which means really all that she 's gon na be left with your income for ten years does n't it ?
5 she 's gon na be one of the very young ones .
6 It 's just that , well you can imagine what she 's gon na be like .
7 Forty five quid , she 's , she 's gon na be only doing sixty , seventy hours a week !
8 She 's gon na be like Robert , I reckon she 'll be
9 Sort of three pounds for a couple of little , little pairs of knickers and that and that 's a lot when you think they when she first starts she 's gon na be getting through seven or eight pairs a day .
10 Maybe she 's gon na be erm you know like erm community
11 And erm they 're starting this pre-prep thing in September and she 's gon na be in charge of it .
12 I would think if she think 's she 's gon na be a bit nervous then I 'll get .
13 And when people send her christmas cards everyone 's gon na spell it wrong and she 's gon na be pissed off for the rest of her life .
14 She 's gon na be there tonight I thought well I always could just well I think I might come over if you 've got ta be there .
15 and they thought , they said then it was connected with the accident , erm because it , you know , she was in such a bad way , and , the other fellow was to blame , I think he 'd been drinking , I 'm not sure , but they 're claiming off the insurance and they reckon she 's gon na be entitled to around a hundred thousand pounds compensation , because , not only has she had these physical injuries , but because she had a knock on the head it 's also affecting her mental state
16 I mean the way she 's been brought up and that with Kingsley and the mum , course she 's gon na be spoilt
17 She 's gon na be there now dear .
18 Well it 's funny because erm , when we saw Ken the other day he was saying that erm his niece rang him up and erm she 's er she 's gon na be in Crewe this weekend for a friend 's wedding and , I think she must be coming up with some , some other girl as well , because the two of them , he said , I 'm taking two young ladies out on Sunday for lunch where 's a good place for a Sunday lunch you see ?
19 He should be there every time cos she 's gon na be out with the kids and all .
20 She will , she 's gon na be big Kelly , and she goes , she goes half way up and run down , back then
21 I mean she can come in at two if she likes but erm bu if she 's gon na be out , I mean she can come in at quarter past five .
22 Oh she 's gon na be pleased with you
23 So she 's gon na be going off to , to Australia erm , as before with no
24 Yeah , she was just worried about annoying me , I 'm like , affect really , is that alright , I hope she 's gon na be alright .
25 like , when she gets there she 's gon na be panicking about one thing and another int she , I think .
26 That 'll be popular , that , I mean she 's gon na be so popular ai n't it ?
27 She 's gon na be February possibly March
28 Something tasteful , because she 's gon na be reading that tomorrow
29 Little did I know she was gon na be me wife an' 'ave me children . ’
30 you 'd 've known that , you know , she , she was gon na be interested in that .
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