Example sentences of "she [adv] [vb past] [pron] head " in BNC.

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1 When the flow of tears slowly began to dry up she gratefully accepted the use of his handkerchief , drying her eyes and fiercely blowing her nose as she slowly raised her head from his chest .
2 ‘ A — Adam ? ’ she faltered , clumsily pushing the damp tendrils of hair from her face , as she slowly lifted her head to look up at him .
3 Then , somewhat to Morse 's embarrassment , she suddenly buried her head on his shoulder and clung tightly to him .
4 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
5 Joe had slipped his arm round her waist and she suddenly turned her head into his shoulder .
6 She merely shook her head while jealousy gnawed at her .
7 Mam and Da wanted to know everything about Rosie 's life since they saw her last — where had she been , what had she done — but she only shook her head .
8 ‘ Do you know how you are looking at me ? ’ he asked fiercely , but as she only shook her head he tilted her face and searched frustratedly for her mouth , crushing her against him .
9 Searching her memory , she finally shook her head .
10 Like some naughty child who 's been caught playing a prank she just kept her head low , staring at the floor .
11 But she just turned her head and stared at Granny .
12 But she just shook her head and went back to her pouch-seat and Posi 's course-setting .
13 She just shook her head and smiled but the boy said she was dedicated to God .
14 She just shook her head and went on looking up at him .
15 She just shook her head and said he was an old enemy of her father 's , and refused to be drawn any further . ’
16 She just shook her head worthlessly , terror in her eyes .
17 Feeling heat suffuse her cheeks , she quickly turned her head away before Gwen could notice and stared straight into the brightly enquiring hazel eyes of a young boy .
18 But she had n't let the kidnapper in , she could swear to that because , having pressed the switch , she always put her head out to see who was coming in since there was n't a housephone .
19 When Jessica poked her in the ribs and swore they were coming for them , she hardly raised her head .
20 She deliberately turned her head to gaze out of the window once more .
21 Silly really , because her family had no way of knowing that she still covered her head .
22 Yes , you are ! ’ he repeated as she fervently shook her head .
23 I mean … not like ’ — she now lowered her head — ‘ I want her .
24 My father was in a mad rage and — she now bowed her head — ‘ he picked up a shovel and threw it .
25 Whatever the case , Belinda knew , in her quietly realistic way , that he was light years beyond her world , and barely aware of her existence , so she simply kept her head down whenever he was on the ward , said very little , and suffered .
26 Determined to respond in the same offhand manner with which he had made the announcement , she simply tossed her head .
27 She simply clutched her head and closed her eyes , trying to stop the room spinning in front of her — knowing that if she moved she would be violently sick .
28 She simply shook her head , with a small smile .
29 She almost shook her head ; almost laughed .
30 She gave a derisive laugh as she again inclined her head towards the far wall , then said , ‘ That fellow 's preciseness gets up my nose .
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