Example sentences of "this could [adv] [be] achieved " in BNC.

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1 As the late Sir John Biggs-Davison pointed out , this could best be achieved by raising a regiment of West Indian Guards , to serve alongside — and compete with — the Scots , Irish and Welsh Guards .
2 This could best be achieved by including Language as one of the D.E.S .
3 It was argued that this could best be achieved by preventing the need for candidates from the same party to compete with each other in multimember seats , thereby reducing their need spend huge sums of money during the campaign .
4 This could best be achieved by the threat of nuclear strikes against the USSR .
5 ‘ The overwhelming priority is to catch those responsible , and it was agreed with the Surrey constabulary that this could best be achieved by quiet investigation .
6 If we were to accept that societies need to include a diversity of behaviour and belief in order to adapt to new conditions , this could surely be achieved by simply allowing such diversity .
7 This could only be achieved if foreigners could rely upon the stability of the rouble , which made it essential to maintain a favourable balance of payments and avoid a budget deficit .
8 There seemed only one way for the Druids to prevent their imminent destruction , and that was to ensure that the army never came within reach of them ; this could only be achieved either by strong enough resistance in the mountains of north-west Wales or by a serious insurrection deep within the Province .
9 The first , Phan Boi Chau , believed that the French had to be removed — and that this could only be achieved through armed struggle .
10 Again this could only be achieved by teamwork , the medical component as important as all the others .
11 Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V-C said that this could only be achieved by an oral examination of the witnesses .
12 This could only be achieved through the support of the chairperson and headteacher .
13 The " Coalition for Vehicle Choice " argues that this could only be achieved by the production of smaller and lighter cars , which it claims can be less safe in crashes than bigger ones .
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