Example sentences of "by the [noun] [prep] trade " in BNC.

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1 In response , China had passed copyright and computer software protection legislation , although it was criticized as " inadequate " by the USA in trade talks in Beijing on June 11-15 .
2 The defendant was employed as a sales representative who sold the service of renovating and repairing office furniture and commercial seating and the judge correctly decided that that must be the business which was referred to by the restraint of trade clause .
3 Bans on trade in rhino products have been imposed by the Convention in Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) .
4 This was supposed to give a better ride on curves , but was banned by the Board of Trade because of the danger to cyclists .
5 Some compensation was eventually paid to the villagers by the Board of Trade , after much prevarication and talk of ‘ natural causes ’ ; the fact was the Board had permitted the dredging operation without foreseeing the consequences .
6 It was no doubt with this in mind that an editorial in the Chronicle explained how the provision of vocational guidance had grown gradually and represented the interaction of official and voluntary organizations , the intricacies of which were not appreciated by the Board of Trade .
7 Chamberlain was the chairman of the JAC , established by the Board of Trade , but he made it clear that he wanted to see ‘ a separate department of the city 's government , in which the education authority and the Ministry of Labour would cooperate in order to cover all sides of juvenile welfare ’ .
8 hinted that the Council were too late to object , as span wires had already been approved by the Board of Trade , who objected to bracket arms over 16 feet in length , which might be necessary if the roads were widened .
9 It was also stated that in future , the Penge routes would be operated by sixteen cars , eight with regenerative equipment and eight without , but all would have track brakes as required by the Board of Trade for Anerley Hill .
10 The first rails were rolled on 20 June , the first car ran on test on 8 August , followed by the Board of Trade Inspection on 10 August .
11 Lenders were exempt from this legislation if their basic business was banking , insurance , or primarily unconnected with lending ; friendly societies and building societies were subject to other laws ; various other lenders falling outside a commonsense view of what constituted a moneylender were given exemption by the Board of Trade .
12 In order to do so , she had no hesitation in breaking the law and regularly bought clothing coupons from the village women to supplement the meagre amount allocated to her and Constance by the Board of Trade .
13 Women were encouraged by the Board of Trade to join make do and mend clubs .
14 Following the scheme set up in Germany , Lloyd George introduced a new system for the settlement of disputes arising out of claims to the new unemployment benefit provided by the Act and administered by the Board of Trade .
15 In 1905 there appeared in Cardiff an unregistered union noted by the Board of Trade as the " British Stewards , Cooks , Butchers and Bakers " which had three branches in 1907 and a membership of a little over 2,000 .
16 Within a year Cotter 's union was accepted by the Board of Trade as having more than 3,600 members and within two he was claiming 15,000 , mostly in Liverpool but also in Southampton , though a more likely figure was about 9,000 .
17 Small groups of men at Bristol or Glasgow might succeed in obtaining advances in wages ; more often than not their efforts were countered by the employers and it was noted by the Board of Trade that disputes ended when " crews were obtained elsewhere " or " seamen were replaced by others at a reduced rate " .
18 The issue of conscription was a particularly tender one for the union , for it had for some time been under pressure from the Admiralty over breaches of the obligation of seamen , nominally enforced by the Board of Trade , that sailors should be on board their ships on time and hence not delay sailings .
19 In 1893 he made an unsuccessful attempt to solve the coal industry 's economic and labour difficulties by proposing the amalgamation of collieries into a massive semi-public enterprise monitored by the Board of Trade , which would control output , fix prices , pay fair wages , and establish a miners ' welfare fund .
20 The last day of November 1845 was set by the Board of Trade as the day on which all new railway plans had to be lodged if they were to stand any hope of a parliamentary hearing .
21 In 1697 John Locke , commissioned by the Board of Trade to survey the problem , concluded that a labouring man and his wife could support just two dependent children on the common country wages : " The children of labouring people are an ordinary burden to the parish .
22 A claimant dissatisfied with the decision of the insurance officer could have the decision reviewed by a local Court of Referees consisting of a chairman appointed by the Minister of Trade , one member chosen from an employers ' panel and one member chosen from a workmen 's panel .
23 The new Advanced Engineering Materials Facility , opened by the Minister for Trade and Technology in March this year , will undertake process development services , prototype design and manufacture , and short-run production enabling customers to evaluate new processes .
24 The unfair element is that the AFBD has been obliged to extricate itself from a CFTC hole largely dug by the Securities and Investments Board and imperfectly filled in by the Department of Trade and Industry .
25 The announcement by the Department of Trade and Industry follows fierce criticism of the absence of legislative proposals on computer misuse in the Queen 's Speech .
26 Today the Government , of course , still denies legal responsibility — presumably to frighten off any other claimants — but will dispense £150 million of taxpayers ' money to com pensate investors of both the Barlow Clowes UK fund and the Gibraltar based international fund ( which is n't covered by the Department of Trade 's writ and which offered rates of interest on allegedly gilt-edged stock which were not possible with out tax avoidance ) .
27 In the same year LGC changed to agency status , rather than being run directly by the Department of Trade and Industry , and this involved lengthy examination of the laboratory 's financial structure .
28 And as inner city expertise readily becomes transformed into a supplementary expertise on Black people , within months the same company was awarded a contract by the Department of Trade and Industry to evaluate the effects of inner city policy on British Black communities .
29 A report , which has been prepared by the Department of Trade and Industry in association with DISC , the information technology group of the British Standards Institution , contains a series of recommendations intended to improve the security of all information systems .
30 Certified accountant Tony Berry , former chairman and chief executive of the Blue Arrow employment agency and one time darling of the City , faces action by the Department of Trade and Industry to disqualify him from acting as a company director , following publication of a highly critical DTI inspectors ' report into Blue Arrow 's management .
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