Example sentences of "do [adv] qualify for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For households that did not qualify for council tax discount , data on adults other than the liable person did not appear to be necessary .
2 Millions of poor people who did not qualify for income support would be ‘ hit savagely by this increase in the basic cost of living ’ .
3 In their case the statute of limitations only started to apply once an actual fault was discovered , but their PI payments did not qualify for relief because they had stopped working .
4 However , an agreement did not qualify for exemption if its beneficial effects were only indispensable within a national market .
5 It was caught in the coarse fish closed season and did not qualify for record status .
6 As BTR had no stake in the glass industry prior to the bid , the proposed merger did not qualify for referral on the competition yardstick .
7 There are 15,000 places for married women who do not qualify for benefit in their own right .
8 Furthermore , many pensioners who are struggling financially , do not qualify for income support .
9 It does n't resolve the problems of those who do not qualify for income support , yet are in receipt of paltry levels of pay or other benefits .
10 But you may not have realised that in between these two splendid , well-run national tournaments lie a large number of middle-strength clubs who do not qualify for participation in either .
11 Most do not qualify for redundancy pay , pensions , sick pay or national-insurance benefits until they have been with a firm for two years .
12 It will penalise people on low incomes who do not qualify for discounts , and through the banding system it tends to benefit the rich .
13 Individuals paying maintenance receive tax relief on the first £1,720 of payments to a divorced or separated spouse ; other maintenance payments , including any to children , do not qualify for tax relief .
14 On the other hand , it is more than likely that those who do not qualify for unemployment benefit are disproportionately from the ranks of unskilled manual workers .
15 Years of moving from one home to another , having meals cooked for you , never having to think twice about leaving lights on or taps dripping is hardly the best preparation for surviving in a bedsit on a YTS wage of £29.50 a week ( trainees do n't qualify for income support ) .
16 Some improvements — such as replacing soft furnishings or general decorations — do n't qualify for tax relief , so it 's always worth checking with your local tax office .
17 Because of its Soviet connection , plus an outstanding row over the nationalisation of an American spice company , Ethiopia does not qualify for US aid .
18 A home-owning pensioner over 75 who does not qualify for income support gets a mere 50p a week extra rate .
19 MY neighbour , a pensioner who does not qualify for income support , was melodramatic in her condemnation of the Chancellor .
20 I would also like to draw to your attention the which is not related to accident prevention and therefore within the existing criteria does not qualify for County Council support , generally speaking .
21 The family have three children and a gross income of £217.00 After deduction of allowances , the mother 's weekly disposable income is £78.50 and she does not qualify for advice and assistance .
22 A gift in which the donor retains an interest or some direct control — for example , a house ‘ given ’ to his children in which the parent continues to live — does not qualify for exemption .
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