Example sentences of "they can [adv] be expect " in BNC.

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1 They can not be expected to consider the inflationary consequences of their commercial activities .
2 They can not be expected to read every piece of intelligence that pours into Whitehall .
3 But I have some sympathy for the institutions ' view that their duty is to their policyholders and they can not be expected to double up as company regulators .
4 On the other hand they can not be expected to do their job efficiently unless they have a substantial background of experience in commanding large public transport aircraft or their military equivalents .
5 They can not be expected to know this , given inadequate food labelling . ’
6 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
7 But dumb animals are incapable of considering themselves in this light ; which is not to imply that human beings always do , only that they can normally be expected to if required .
8 Blimpish or not , they can hardly be expected to do otherwise .
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