Example sentences of "they would [verb] had [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd have had four times more FAKINTIL deserters if they 'd shown as little as a quarter extra clemency .
2 But looking purely at the outside bit , If they 'd have had some whitewash on I think they 'd have looked better .
3 Measured by the middle group 's criteria they would 've had three then would they ?
4 Certainly they would have had much to talk about , recalling voyages up the New England coast ; how they had dared storms together and mixed with tough Maine characters at the Jonesport summer ball , or how one of Peters 's cruises had been christened after the four B's which constituted their provisions : beans , bacon , bread , and bananas .
5 ‘ But perhaps after all , they would have had little to say to one another . ’
6 But for the opening of two artificial pitches at Feltham School , they would have had great difficulty in finding a home venue in recent seasons .
7 They would have had some sort of premonition , or maybe some would say they would have had a revelation from God .
8 But it is doubtful whether they would have had any opportunity even to attempt that massive task if the years of the War had not profoundly changed public attitudes , and even softened the mind if not the heart of that great enemy of education and old boy of Harrow , Winston Churchill .
9 The police and the probation service , on the other hand , could impose sanctions , though whether they would have had any effect on Willy , who ‘ was extremely rude and behaved very badly towards all authority ’ , is open to doubt .
10 They would have had more chance of getting established in the late 1980s .
11 Some books are encountered too late , after the period when they would have had maximum impact .
12 This would be expected because , first , they would have been socialized into a version of mathematics nearer to that of the university ‘ modern ’ pure mathematicians than that of their elders and because , secondly , they would have had a potential interest in changes that could , within schools , challenge the seniority of their elder colleagues or , at least , they would have had less of a vested interest in current practice .
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