Example sentences of "they [am/are] unlikely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They are unlikely to be able to give children the stable emotional background , the consistent combination of love and firmness , which are more important than riches .
2 Incidentally , proposals for the establishment of a major Kent ground at Crystal Palace which could give the county a profitable metropolitan base are being enthusisastically pursued , though they are unlikely to be realised before the end of the century .
3 In the case of the parents , they are unlikely to be in a position to make a rational judgement .
4 Though they serve as parent representatives they are unlikely to be representative parents typical of the average parent at the school so they need to be encouraged to become involved in as many of the schools activities as possible , not only to gauge parental feelings and attitudes but energetically to engage in identifying ways of improving the school 's performance .
5 They are unlikely to be worried if ‘ boring old history books ’ are discarded .
6 They are unlikely to be embarrassed or contemptuous ; it is a natural human instinct to want to comfort someone who is obviously unhappy .
7 If the present verdict on Touvier is maintained , they are unlikely to be tried , and it is a trial that the French public now seems to want .
8 While they are unlikely to be successful with the woodcut and the copper-plate , they may well achieve their ambition with some other processes .
9 They are unlikely to be hole in the head , unless they enlarge and fill with whitish matter .
10 As DON CAMERON reports , they are unlikely to be the last New Zealanders to make the move .
11 They are unlikely to be Win/U 's market .
12 This notion is based on the argument that unless teachers perceive issues to be relevant they are unlikely to be committed to their resolution .
13 However , they are unlikely to be able to navigate sufficiently accurately using this cue alone .
14 This assumes an element of sunkness about location ( which Mathewson and Winter did not ) , so that potential entrants believe they are unlikely to be able to push established firms out of current locations .
15 However , since central government in Britain is the dominant influence upon the availability of local finance , there is a certain political duplicity here in legislation which requires local agencies to provide benefits that the centre knows they are unlikely to be able to affords .
16 Although our result for paternal preconceptual exposure could be affected substantially by the play of chance because of small numbers , they are unlikely to be biased .
17 Following the retirement of Frank Whitehead ( 1982 ) and the early retirement of Alan England ( 1984 ) neither of the posts left vacant has still been filled ; they are unlikely to be filled in the foreseeable future .
18 In any event , whatever the possible therapeutic role of such drugs , they are unlikely to be able to help us to understand the intimate mechanisms of memory .
19 When their prey species are inactive , cats may as well save energy , because they are unlikely to be successful in hunting , and so they rest and sleep for most of the day .
20 Unless preference shareholders are expressly granted participating rights they are unlikely to be entitled to share in any way in the ‘ equity ’ or to have voting rights except in narrowly prescribed circumstances .
21 We are unlikely to witness arms races in dynamic progress , because they are unlikely to be running at any particular ‘ moment ’ of geological time , such as our time .
22 Finally , pupils who perceive that they are unlikely to be selected for anything which is valued may become disheartened and fail to fulfil their potential .
23 On the Government 's own figures , 37% of households — between 12m and 14m adults — will potentially be affected by the proposals , either becoming ineligible for legal aid altogether , or being eligible only on payment of a contribution they are unlikely to be able to afford .
24 Anonymous approaches by telephone are now permitted although experience shows that without any forewarning of the approach they are unlikely to be successful ( see chapter 0407 for the detailed rules ) .
25 Yet it is important to convince management of these gains , otherwise it will be extremely unlikely that the information systems projects will be given the go-ahead , and even if this is achieved , they are unlikely to be successful .
26 Third , the goods produced by bureaus are public goods in the sense that they are unlikely to be provided if charged for and offered for sale .
27 They are unlikely to be the origin of the abnormalities shown by the labelling techniques .
28 Patients with anaemia with these lesions require full investigation as they are unlikely to be the cause of the anaemia even if frank rectal bleeding is present .
29 In whatever format you keep them , the notes you make need to be clear ; if they are not self-explanatory at the time you write them , they are unlikely to be intelligible later , when your memory of working on the particular book or topic has faded .
30 Ironically , the system means that they are unlikely to be told , in case they use the information as evidence in an action .
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