Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [adv] be expect " in BNC.

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1 He claims that even if the files are confidential they are the responsibility of the Information Office and anyone wishing to consult them would normally be expected to ask permission .
2 In practice , more than this minimum is likely to be required for entry to the majority of the courses offered by the University , in order to ensure that those admitted to degree courses possess a sufficiently broad educational background and that they may reasonably be expected to benefit from a university education .
3 It is recognised that nurses must care for patients during recognised holidays but they should not be expected to be in the classroom .
4 If politicians came to the conclusion that education was too important to be left to the educators , bear in mind the massive input of public resources , education 's failure to demonstrate significant improvement of standards , poor marketing , uncertain professional leadership and the fact that every year youngsters leave school ignorant of much they might reasonably be expected to know and lacking skills that could have been acquired in 11 years of schooling .
5 Similarly , if there are good reasons to target the assessment of the child 's command of specific grammatical structures or certain functional aspects of language , it may be sufficient to scan a tape for examples of these structures or functions , or for contexts in which they might reasonably be expected to occur .
6 The cell bodies of the sympathetic nerves to the upper gastrointestinal tract which are located within the irradiated volume thus represent a credible target since they might reasonably be expected to influence the duodenum in such a way that would lead to a susceptibility to ulcer by , for example , reducing mucosal blood flow or bicarbonate secretion , both of which functions are under sympathetic control .
7 They could n't be expected to argue with that .
8 In diplomatic exchanges , at least , the French accepted American reservations about unregenerate colonialism in Vietnam although , as the French pointed out , they could not be expected to assist in or condone the establishment of a government of Vietnam which would not follow democratic principles ‘ as these are understood in the West ’ .
9 Children below school leaving age would also be excluded as they could not be expected to live independently in the community in any case .
10 They could not be expected to be automatically loyal .
11 Because we had evidence that memories of the exercise tended to fade quickly , it was decided to exclude schools which had submitted reports at the very earliest stage ( autumn 1980 to summer 1981 ) , and schools which were not due to submit reports until the last stage of the first cycle ( autumn 1985 to early 1986 ) were also excluded because they could not be expected to have made much of a start on the process .
12 The technical nature of the work meant that they could not be expected to check it had been satisfactorily done .
13 In fact in its original Hebrew setting the shepherd referred to a totally different picture — one who actually cared for and was perhaps even prepared to give his life for the sheep , protecting them from very real danger from which they could not be expected to protect themselves .
14 IN the improbable event of the Green party winning York , they could certainly be expected to nurse the constituency .
15 They could hardly be expected to agree to less , and they 're excellent tenants . ’
16 They 're beautiful if you 're walking across the Downs and admiring the trees or the open countryside , but erm there are times , and we 've had just a recent spell with easterly winds , and we find with an easterly wind along the south coast , because of the Downs , and because of the , the Dover Straits , these easterly winds tend to erm funnel , as we call it , and therefore they are stronger than they would normally be expected to be , so Brighton does have its disadvantages in , from that point of view , but from the sunshine and the general point of view erm it takes a lot to beat the area .
17 They would not be expecting that .
18 They would n't be expecting her to go further into the lion 's den .
19 They would n't be expecting that .
20 However , the Circular states that they will also be expected to ‘ retain the ability to act as direct service providers , if other forms of service provision are unforthcoming or unsuitable .
21 They will also be expected to submit answer books that are of acceptable standard .
22 They will not be expecting her , they will see her as an intruder .
23 Teachers will be able to identify pupils ' weaknesses , which they will then be expected , so far as is possible , to correct .
24 They wo n't be expecting you . ’
25 I mean , they wo n't be expecting me or anything — ‘
26 They can not be expected to consider the inflationary consequences of their commercial activities .
27 They can not be expected to read every piece of intelligence that pours into Whitehall .
28 But I have some sympathy for the institutions ' view that their duty is to their policyholders and they can not be expected to double up as company regulators .
29 On the other hand they can not be expected to do their job efficiently unless they have a substantial background of experience in commanding large public transport aircraft or their military equivalents .
30 They can not be expected to know this , given inadequate food labelling . ’
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