Example sentences of "they [vb past] [be] reduce [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after lunch they had been reduced to 57 for eight .
2 They were used as infantry at Gallipoli , where they landed at Suvla Bay on 20/21 August 1915 , serving with distinction where they took Chocolate Hill and Scimitar Hill with the bayonet ; by 1 November 1915 , they had been reduced to sixty .
3 Once amongst the world 's greatest blue-water navigators , guided by wave patterns and the clues in seaweed and bird droppings , the Bugis had now lost so much confidence in their old ways that they had been reduced to coast-hugging , on the principle that if their ships sank they at least had a chance of making it ashore alive .
4 The ten plough lands reduced to six and by the time of Domesday they had been reduced to two and a half and Pannage for hogs reduced to wood for five hogs .
5 To those observers looking on it seemed hard to believe that the average IQ of the room 's inhabitants was 149 , and that they had more honours between them than a collection of top class civil servants — and to think that they had been reduced to such a pitiful state as this .
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