Example sentences of "they [vb past] with [adj] other " in BNC.

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1 By the early 1940s , the influence of Orson Welles and William Wyler as directors , together with Gregg Toland , the innovative lighting cameraman they shared with each other ( and sometimes with John Ford and Howard Hawks too ) , made deep-focus more fashionable .
2 They fought with each other , usually in pre-arranged venues such as open spaces , or parks .
3 In business they conferred with each other for a few minutes and then made their offer .
4 They frequently inhabited the same Soho haunt but at Muriel 's , where they vied with each other in buying bottles of champagne , they often occupied different ends of the room .
5 They vied with each other to fill me in on the gruesome details .
6 Blake noticed that people used more than words when they communicated with each other , and realised that horses did the same .
7 SATURDAYS the Jews of Cork spent with their families and their God , Sundays they spent with each other .
8 However , the concentrations of zinc and copper , although they correlated with each other , did not correlate with the levels of protons .
9 For a moment they struggled with each other 's clothing , tearing at the lacing , freeing themselves , and then he had lifted her on to him and was thrusting deep into her , her legs wrapped about his back , her pelvis pushing down urgently to meet his movements .
10 But this was not a justification for the dissolution of an association of this kind ; the different republics and nationalities were bound together by a common history , by ties of marriage and settlement , and by the trade that they conducted with each other .
11 After all the hassle they should know exactly where they stood with each other , Merrill thought as she dressed on Saturday evening .
12 They conspired with each other .
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