Example sentences of "they [verb] [not/n't] see that " in BNC.

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1 While the Poles appreciated German fears about the threat posed to Central Europe by a rise of Soviet power they did not see that they would be serving Poland 's interests by agreeing to Hitler 's demands .
2 They did not see that the rampant nationalism that had brought Presidents Tudjman and Milosevic to power would so fan the flames of separatism and so reawaken the enmities of 50 years or more , that the compromise that might well have been possible earlier this year and which the European Foreign Ministers have since tried to impose has now become impossible .
3 That , that 's what most people understand by sub- contracting and they do n't see that it , the standard uses it , in my , in my opinion in the wrong way , because it does , it 's standard does require everything that you buy that affects you .
4 They 're sense of self is such that they do n't see that they have a self to assert , perhaps , or that they are not valid enough as a person , which obviously must stem erm from their early childhood experiences , and from the adults that surrounded them when they were growing and developing that sense of who they are .
5 Those who think that ideas consist of images which are formed in us by the concourse of bodies … regard ideas as lifeless pictures on a board , and preoccupied thus with this misconception they do not see that an idea , insofar as it is an idea , involves affirmation or negation .
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