Example sentences of "on his face that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ever the gracious hostess , I see , ’ he said with a cool irony , looking round the neatly furnished and immaculately tidy room with an expression on his face that irked her .
2 Pat was deeply hurt , but Ken maintained a look on his face that seemed to be as shiny as the brown shoes he wore under those immaculately pressed trousers .
3 He was watching her , an enigmatic expression on his face that made her wary , even though it was hard to keep her eyes open .
4 I suppose it was the expression on his face that made me scream . ’
5 Luke laughed , reaching out to tilt her chin and look into her eyes with an expression on his face that made an immediate shudder run down her spine .
6 Two hours later Ace walked in with an expression on his face that had her standing up , her face turning scarlet with mortification .
7 The count 's cold voice and his return to formality assured Maggie that he had seen this small action and now he sat beside her with a set look on his face that told her he might very well not speak for the whole of the journey .
8 Mr Browning , with an expression on his face that said he guessed what this was about and it did not please him , nodded .
9 He looked at her now , a sheepish half-smile on his face that said , ‘ I 'd better not antagonise him further by passing a minute with you . ’
10 Alain had just walked into the room and stood in the doorway with a frown on his face that promised trouble , and his mother appealed to him instantly .
11 Cornelius , the man who had suggested the ill-fated drive to Burford , the man who had stayed behind when the others started back to Oxford , sat before Harry , twenty years on , with a smile on his face that mixed candid reminiscence and flagrant duplicity .
12 With an expression on his face that suggested he could not fight any longer , David pulled her towards him and slowly stroked her head and back .
13 It was the condescending look on his face that did it .
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